Saturday, June 20, 2020

Trump's Tulsa Rally — This Is The Speech The President Needs To Give

Cal Thomas
The president should not just use the Tulsa speech to fire up his base. He should propose something substantive that might provide, if not a solution to racial tensions, then at least begin to solve the underlying problem, something Democrats have only talked about for 50 years.
"President Trump on Tuesday unveiled a plan to make reforms in police departments and acknowledged for the first time the existence of “systemic racism.” He also promised to meet with some African American families whose relatives have been killed by police officers.
"That is one step toward healing our deep racial divisions.
The next opportunity comes Saturday as the president is scheduled to break his rally “fast” in Tulsa. The Trump campaign claims they have received 800,000 ticket requests. Though not all will get into the 20,000-seat venue, the Trump re-election effort will have mined additional names for its digital campaign.
"The president should not just use the speech to fire up his base. He should propose something substantive that might provide, if not a solution to racial tensions, then at least begin to solve the underlying problem, something Democrats have only talked about for 50 years.
"Here are my suggestions for what the president might say:
"There is only one race — the human race. We are one seamless coat of many colors, one “body” with many parts, each with an important function that contributes to the whole. We call ourselves the UNITED States of America for a reason. No other country exemplifies such unity. Though we have our disagreements and even sometimes divisions, our oneness is our greatest strength."There is no “pure” or “master” race. No race is superior to another. To hate someone because of the color of their skin is to hate one’s self because we all share the same origin story, the same human DNA. This is all part of God’s doing in His ultimate creative and most beautiful work – humanity. We are created in His image." "Historically, many of our churches have not always been on the right side when it comes to race. Many churches oppose civil rights for African Americans and wrongly quote Scripture to justify their positions. As Abraham Lincoln said during our most divisive war: “Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God; and each invokes His aid against the other. … The prayers of both could not be answered; that of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes.”"I am today proposing a new alliance between white evangelical churches and their African-American brethren. At bottom, racism and the many horrors that have flowed from it are matters of the heart. Who better to address heart matters than our evangelical churches, which preach a gospel of redemption and changed lives?" . . .
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