Monday, October 26, 2020

Post-election 2020: Two studies say all hell to break loose

Meme Gallery

Bill Livingstone   "Two recent reports, when combined, paint a dark pathway for America in the coming weeks, a nation set on fire by multiple contentious court battles and widespread daily protests. 

The 79 Days Report, by the Claremont Institute and the Texas Policy Foundation, illuminates possible election legal battles on the horizon and how they might play out in the courts.  The bottom line?  The litigation will be time consuming and combative.  There’s no fast forward button to speed up the process.  It concludes:

  • On election night, the winner will not be known “due to millions of uncounted mail-in ballots in 6 battleground states.”
  • Given there’s no clear victor, “intense court fights” can be expected that could result “in a struggle right up to the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress.  Uncertainty could extend even beyond this as decisions for both the presidency and vice presidency are battled out in Congress and before the U.S. Supreme Court.”
. . . "The Hold the Line report posits an election outcome that’s fraudulent, where all the votes are not counted and irregularities remedied. Given this scenario, it calls for “another form of power to correct the balance,” an all-out revolution, in which large numbers of people participate in strikes, boycotts, protests, and other nonviolent actions,” until a democratic and accountable government is restored.” 
"In other words, they want to shut down society until President Trump is forced from office, not unlike the 28-Days of Resistance in Tunisia that toppled President El Abidine Ben Ali and the 25 January Revolution in Egypt that ousted President Hosni Mubarak. 
"Such an event seems highly implausible. But if Trump is reelected, no matter what happens, the left will claim the election was stolen, not unlike 2016, opening the curtain to four more years of protests and attacks on his presidency."

Tony Branco

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