Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Pelosi Calls Amy Coney Barrett An ‘Illegitimate Supreme Court Justice’

 Daily Caller

"Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett is an “illegitimate” member of the court Tuesday.

"In a press conference with Democratic Illinois Rep. Cheri Bustos, Pelosi mentioned Barrett’s confirmation, saying, “the president is installing an illegitimate Supreme Court Justice one week before the election, after 60 million Americans have voted, who will dismantle the ACA, and won’t say, by the way, when asked, by Senator Feinstein, do you think Medicare is constitutional? She said she really couldn’t say.”

"Every Democrat opposed Barrett’s confirmation. Republican Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski was on the fence about how she was going to vote but ended up voting in favor of Barrett’s confirmation.

"Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee boycotted the committee vote on Barrett and instead filled their seats in the committee with life-sized posters of people who could be hurt if the Affordable Care Act were to be repealed. (RELATED: ‘Abuse of Power’ — McConnell Slams Democrats Over Court Packing, Says They ‘Refuse To Give A Straight Answer’)

"Democrats have continued to say that if Barrett is confirmed, she will be the one to give the deciding vote on repealing the Affordable Care Act. (RELATED: Protesters Interrupt Chuck Schumer During Amy Coney Barrett Boycott Speech) ". . .

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