Saturday, July 2, 2022

This White House 4th of July Tweet Didn't Age Well

 PJ Media  "Remember last year when Twitter users relentlessly mocked the White House for letting Americans know their 4th of July barbecue would cost a whopping 16 cents less than the year before? At the time, the slight prick of rising prices was beginning to rear its head, and the official White House Twitter account attempted to put any concerns to bed with this puntastic tweet:

Looking back at that tweet borders on infuriating. The direction the economy was taking at that point was clear. When we talk to our grandchildren about the summer of 2021, we may have to call it the good old days. According to the Farm Bureau:

U.S. consumers will pay $69.68 for their favorite Independence Day cookout foods, including cheeseburgers, pork chops, chicken breasts, homemade potato salad, strawberries and ice cream, based on a new American Farm Bureau Federation marketbasket survey.

The average cost of a summer cookout for 10 people is $69.68, which breaks down to less than $7 per person. The overall cost for the cookout is up 17% or about $10 from last year, a result of ongoing supply chain disruptions, inflation and the war in Ukraine.

"Not 17 cents, 17%. And I don’t know about you, but for me, no summer barbecue is complete without deviled eggs. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, prices for eggs are 16.20% higher in 2022 than in 2021. There is no telling when the inflationary trend will end. It might not be a bad idea to grab Tom Turkey now and stick him in the freezer. There is no telling what the cost of your Thanksgiving centerpiece will be by November.". . .

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