Sunday, April 16, 2023

BOOM! Conservatives Send Clear Message to Major US Companies; Get Woke, Go Broke!

 BOOM! Conservatives Send Clear Message to Major US Companies | The Kevin Jackson Network (

“It’s good to learn from your mistakes. It’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes.” -Warren Buffett

Those marketing ploys cost their companies not only their fan base, but their bottom lines.

. . ."For nearly 80 years, soft drink giant Coca-Cola was the most powerful beverage force in the industry since its inception in 1886. WIth the exception of the newly formed Pepsi-Cola in 1898, Coca-Cola literally had no competition.

"However, in the mid 1980’s, that had all but changed. By 1985, they had continued to lose significant market shares to diet and non-drink alternatives. To make matters worse, blind taste tests proved that consumers preferred Pepsi by large margins. In response to those results, Coca-Cola made a bold move-‘New Coke’ was introduced. The backlash was ‘bold’, to say the least.

"'New Coke left a bitter taste in the mouths of the company’s loyal customers. Within weeks of the announcement, the company was fielding 5,000 angry phone calls a day. By June, that number grew to

"8,000 calls a day, a volume that forced the company to hire extra operators.

" 'I don’t think I’d be more upset if you were to burn the flag in our front yard,” one disgruntled drinker wrote to company headquarters. At protests staged by grassroots groups such as “Old Cola Drinkers of America,” consumers poured the contents of New Coke bottles into sewer drains.

"One Seattle consumer even filed suit against the company to force it to provide the old drink. The outrage caught Coca-Cola executives by surprise. They had hardly made a rash decision unsupported by data. After all, they had performed 190,000 blind taste tests on U.S. and Canadian consumers.". . .

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