Wednesday, October 18, 2023

We're right behind you, little ones!


Hospital horsehockey - American Thinker

What garbage -- yet these vaunted media outlets buy into this Hamas "narrative" propaganda hook, line and sinker.

Their antennae ought to be up, actually because Israel has warned civilians to get out of the way since they would be advancing on Hamas. People who blow up hospitals or behead babies in cribs don't do those things.

What's more, the  hard evidence presented by the Israelis pretty well makes it clear that it was a scummy terrorist wannabe group called Palestine Islamic Jihad that did it, incompetently hurling a rocket into a hospital area. The Israeli Defense Forces was not firing missiles anywhere in the vicinity when the incident happened, and the weapons were clearly not moving the way Israeli weapons do.

 Channel 12 provides a new video of the hospital strike in Gaza

 Israel Refutes Claims and Provides Receipts that It was a Palestinian Missile that Struck the Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza - But Will It Be Enough? | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

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