Saturday, June 15, 2024

PROTESTERS EXPOSED: Who’s bankrolling anti-Israel demonstrations

PROTESTERS EXPOSED: Who’s bankrolling anti-Israel demonstrations | Sky News Australia   "In this special report, Sky News Digital Originals can reveal how pro-Palestine groups causing havoc on college and university campuses are being funded.

"In recent weeks, ugly anti-Israel protests have played out on campuses around the world, leaving Jewish students feeling threatened and scared.

"Questions have been raised about how these encampments are being financially supported." . . .

Comments to this post:  "I am the grandchild of a Holocaust survivor, and I’m absolutely sickened by what has been allowed to go on at Universities around the world. Here in Canada it’s the same thing. Where is law enforcement when pro Hamas demonstrators are calling for genocide against Jews?! It’s disgusting!"

"The students should demand their money back for all the years they've attended these antisemitic schools under discrimination, abuse and hate laws. I'm sorry, and pray daily for the safety of Jewish people.

"I am a university professor in Canada. While anti-Semitism on campus has become much more open and virulent since Oct. 7, it has been widespread among my colleagues for my whole career. It usually takes the form of hatred of Israel and Israelis but any student who commits the sin of being openly Jewish will receive negative attention. For what it is worth, devout Christians are also the victims of the Marxist faculty. I do not see this changing and, indeed, I believe that it will get worse. Avoid universities at all costs:they are truly evil places now."

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