Saturday, June 15, 2024

Behold the Monster You Created

  C.A. Skeet – PJ Media

. . .Yet the suburban traditional liberal continues to vote Democrat because of abortion. Or some nonsense about the rich paying their "fair share." Or climate change. Or any number of manufactured grievances designed not so much to solve a tangible problem than to make a certain class of educated voters feel righteous about themselves." . . . 

"[Liberals] cast their votes on the Machiavellian calculation that the mob was useful as a lever from which to derive unconditional surrenders from congressional Republicans (never a difficult feat to begin with). They calculated that such antics would never be allowed to fester uncontrolled so long as the victims were conservatives who deserved it. They calculated that, once the mob had served its usefulness, it would disperse, much as the German elitists and corporate leaders once thought they could do with their own street thugs.

"Well, my friends. You miscalculated.

"You supported the LBGTQ agenda without question when it was being shoved in the noses of uppity Christians. But you have since discovered that what "love is love" really means is that mediocre males are allowed to dominate women's sports (and invade their locker rooms) and that you are expected to applaud along.

"You supported Obamacare because it felt virtuous, and all the democrat socialists of Scandinavia were doing it, and you didn't want to side with Paul Ryan pushing a wheelchaired grandmother off a cliff (in reality, it's more likely a wheelchaired grandmother pushing Paul Ryan off a cliff). But you have since discovered the laws of economics don't care a fig about your feelings and that a sharp increase in medical costs coupled with a sharp decrease in available doctors isn't the utopia they sold you.

"You supported open borders and sanctuary cities to entrench a permanent Democrat voting base. But you have since discovered that perhaps millions upon millions of illegals weren't necessary to secure swing states in which a few thousand votes would suffice. The hordes now overrunning the cities and suburbs are less interested in voting than in joining robbery gangs, dealing drugs, demanding entitlements, and depressing wage rates. Your kids' schools have been appropriated for shelters, and the illegal aliens elsewhere in public encampments are demanding free legal representation and "culturally appropriate" food." . . .

The Democrat party: Still evil after all these years - American Thinker    "The Democrat party has been pro slavery, pro eugenics, pro-segregation (and now resegregation), and pro-abortion -- even after a baby has been born alive.

"And yet those in it always call Republicans “extreme.”

"Stupefying." . . .

You all do know the Republican Party was created and became one of the reasons for the Civil War and the abolishment of slavery? TD

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