Saturday, July 6, 2024

Thoughts on Joe Biden challenge us all (UPDATED, Sun 7/7)

"And so, in the coming days, Joe Biden will likely be dragged kicking and screaming as the Democrat party inflicts a political late-term abortion on the staunch advocate for the right to choose." J DeA

The Late-Term Abortion of Joe Biden - Jeannie DeAngelis  . . . "That may well be happening to the presiding presidential champion of “reproductive” rights, Joe Biden — not an actual abortion per se, but an abortion of sorts, because, late in the 2024 election season, a bloody termination may take place.

"Whether Joe realizes it or not, he could be in the process of being sacked by the very Democrats who pretended he was their golden boy when he was pushed to the fore in 2020.  At first, Biden was embraced by his party with great joy.  Four years later, the plan was probably to keep the reincarnation of Mad King George III hidden in his bedroom for another term.  Now, after Biden’s weaknesses were exposed at the June 7 debate, his handlers find themselves scrambling to revise the bedroom plan, and a late-term political abortion looks attractive." . . .

ABC interview proves that Joe Biden is in complete senile denial (

UPDATE, 7/7:  Does a viral video show Biden revealing his inner racist? No, but the bad visual will stick. - Andrea Widberg; . . ."The truth is that Biden had already greeted that same young woman earlier, so this wasn’t the dis it seems. . .  

What matters, though, is that the image of Biden bypassing a young black woman, followed by her manifest disappointment, will stick because it aligns with Biden’s life trajectory. He’s an old white guy from Scranton who lives in a world of negative racial stereotypes and uses blacks as political props.

WATCH: Joe Biden Disses Young Black Woman at Rally and You Can’t Help But Feel Bad For Her – PJ Media   "Another Biden moment has gone viral, and it's not a senior moment. It was actually a moment some would argue was racist.

"Keep in mind, Joe Biden has spent his entire presidency pandering to minorities. Nary a day goes by where he doesn't pat himself on the back for having "the most diverse administration" in history, for picking a black woman as his running mate, and for nominating a black woman to the Supreme Court. 

"That's what he does for the cameras, anyway. He wants to create a presidential legacy of being a champion of diversity.

"Yet, none of that makes up for his history of racism. As we've documented here at PJ Media, Biden has made racist comments for years. I suspect many in the Democratic Party know he's racist. Heck, the biggest moment of Kamala Harris's short-lived presidential campaign was accusing Joe Biden of being racist for his past opposition to busing and his willingness to work with Democrat segregationists. 

And, many are saying that ol' racist Joe reared his ugly head again during a campaign rally in Wisconsin after he blatantly snubbed a black girl who appeared really excited to see him in order to take selfies with a couple of old white women.

"Video of the incident has gone viral, and it will be impossible not to feel sorry for the poor girl as her face transitions from one of pure joy to one of utter sadness." . . .

Smitten black girl rejected by Biden who instead stopped to take selfies with old angry white women.

— John Curtis (@Johnmcurtis) July 5, 2024

Kayleigh McEnany: The Only Thing Biden Is In Command Of Is This Country's Decline | Video | RealClearPolitics

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