Saturday, July 6, 2024

WUT? Woke AWFL Tells White People They Are Not Allowed to Tan Unless They Are a 'BLM Ally'

 Twitchy   "For comic book nerds such as this writer, one fun pastime we have is a robust discussion of who are the worst villains. We often refer to these villains as the 'Rogues Gallery.' Batman, for instance, has The Joker, The Riddler, Ra's al Ghul, Bane, Poison Ivy, The Penguin, and many more. Spider-Man's rogues gallery includes Green Goblin, Hobgoblin, Doctor Octopus, Scorpion, Rhino, Venom, and Vulture, to name a few. 

"There's never a resolution to the question of who is the worst, but it's always a fun discussion. 

"Just like with comic books, in the rogue's gallery of truly evil villains in real life, it can be difficult to determine who is the worst. You've got terrorists such as Hamas, dictators like Kim Jong Un, pedophiles and groomers, and actual James Bond characters like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates. 

"But perhaps some of the worst real-life villains are the AWFLs (Affluent White Feminist Liberals). These ladies used to be known as 'Karens,' but AWFL is a much more accurate description. Occasionally, people will add the word 'Urban' so that the acronym is spelled properly, 'AWFUL' (except the secret lairs of these women always seem to be located in suburbia). 

"Either way, their entire existence seems to be dedicated to making the entire rest of the world as miserable as they are. 

"Take, for example, this wonderful woman, who has now declared that tanning -- yes, tanning -- is now outlawed for anyone who is not a leftist Marxist.

I'll bet she wears a Kaffiyeh at pro-Hamas rallies and rips down posters of kidnapped Jews. TD

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