Sunday, September 22, 2024

After Two Failures, "They" Are Getting Desperate

Dems Are One Step Short Of Offering A Bounty On Trump (DianeLGruber)

Democrat Activist Ryan W. Routh: “Iran, you are free to assassinate Trump. No one here in the United States seems to have the balls to put natural selection to work, or even unnatural selection.” 

"From the minute Donald J. Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, Democrats, Big Media, and all types of Useful Idiots have been demonizing him, daily, with such nonsensical labels as “Hitler,” “Satan,” “threat to democracy,” virtually begging the nutwings among them to become historical figures by “taking out” Trump."

"Democrats have been promoting & funding political violence for well over a decade now. Sunday’s second assassination attempt on Trump can only be seen as a symptom of the hate and vitriol Democrats at the highest levels, the lowest levels and everywhere in between, have been spewing at him for eight years now.

"Before the latest assassination attempt, Congressman Matt Gaetz, R-FL, met with a senior official in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) who said that there are at least five known assassination teams in the United States right now“at least three of which are foreign that are out to kill Trump . . . two of them we know are domestic in nature, . . . Iran, Ukraine, Pakistan.” YET THE SECRET SERVICE DID NOT INCREASE HIS LEVEL OF PROTECTION!!!  WHO IS FUNDING THE DOMESTIC HIT TEAMS?


“ 'They’re not coming after me, they’re coming after you,” Trump said after the first attempt. “I’m just standing in the way.”

“They” have been coming after Trump since he won the 2016 election, and soon thereafter “they” started coming after Trump supporters.

“ 'They” can’t stand it when Trump exposes how Americans are being abused. THAT is why they are still lying about the hell Americans in Springfield, Ohio and Aurora, Colorado are living through due to Biden/Harris’s importation of 21 million foreign nationals. There are thousands of neighborhoods across the country that are intentionally being destroyed under Biden/Harris’s replacement plans." . . . All emphases in the original

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