Monday, January 20, 2025

The British Media Chimes In: Kamala's 'Devastating Humiliation'


"While today is America's day, it's interesting to watch what the rest of the world's media thinks of our affairs. In some ways, the British and Australian media give us more detailed and accurate reporting on American political affairs than the American legacy media does — not that this is a difficult hurdle to surmount.

"The UK Daily Mail, on Monday, was focused not only on the incoming President Trump but on his former electoral opponent — and her "final humiliation."

Kamala Harris faced her final devastating humiliation on Monday as she was forced to watch Donald Trump being inaugurated as President of the United States.

Harris looked grim-faced and forlorn as she arrived at the ceremony on Capitol Hill, failing to raise a smile as she walked in with President Joe Biden.

She kept her thoughts to herself but to onlookers it appeared as though she was quietly fuming as her time as Vice President came to a brutal end.

"The schadenfreude, it is strong with this one. And the 45th and 47th President of the United States didn't let her off easily." . . .

Karma: Brett Kavanaugh Delivers Fitting Coup de Grace to Kamala Harris' Failed Presidential Candidacy  . . ."The second time around had to be the most painful (and humiliating) of all for her, however, considering she lost not just to the Democrats' arch nemesis but also because it was Justice Kavanaugh who swore in her replacement on Monday as she looked on:

  6 years ago, presidential hopeful Kamala Harris helped spread false accusations against Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation process. Today, Justice Kavanaugh stands in front of Kamala Harris while swearing in Vice President JD Vance. 

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