"Well, when I say “Joe Biden tweeted,” I mean “whichever nameless White House guy with a lanyard controls Biden’s social media accounts tweeted.' ”
Rich Terrell |
"The New York Times wants us to believe their togas remain pristine -- that they had no idea the Oval Office was occupied by a marionette whose strings were pulled by unnamed puppet masters. They admit what we saw and what the legacy press so long denied: how his staff arranged meetings around his moods, delayed sharing information with him (like negative polling data), surrounded him as he walked to his helicopter to hide the fact he couldn’t walk normally, had him use a teleprompter for even small gatherings, and replaced the steps to his plane with a shorter set. Mark Halperin is not giving them a pass: ”They print the claims of Biden aides and Biden friends as if they’re true, And there are so many examples of public loss of mental acuity they don’t even mention…. This should never happen again, We should never have an ‘emperor’s new clothes’ conspiracy between an administration of either party and the press corps.”
"The loss of credibility has been a significant factor in the loss of readers and viewers, but the media are now facing additional setbacks. Courts no longer give them the presumption of good faith when they engage in defamation. Trump sued ABC for defamation and received $15 million and an apology from George Stephanopoulos; this week CNN was ordered to pay $5 million for defaming a man who helped people out of Afghanistan during our disastrous withdrawal and apparently will pay out additional sums in punitive damages in a settlement the terms of which are not yet public; and the WSJ indicated CBS may settle Trump’s $10 billion suit against it for election interference based on a doctored tape of an interview with Kamala Harris, apparently to make her seem more coherent than she was. Fingers to the wind, the owners of the Los Angeles Times and Washington Post are making efforts at fair coverage in a belated attempt to rise from the depths to the waterline." . . .
Jill Biden: The Worst First Lady Ever
"It’s easy to see why so many have compared Jill Biden to Lady Macbeth. She certainly seems to be a woman who, motivated by her own power, orchestrated her husband’s treacherous attempt to be reelected president. (Treacherous because Joe’s cognitive dysfunction made him unfit for office.)
"Jill Biden’s interview with the Washington Post served only to reinforce the narrative that it was she who was the animating force behind that widely denounced reelection bid." . . .
Crime Family – Joe Biden Pardons His Brothers, James and Frank, along with his sister Valerie, and their spouses. "Literally minutes before he leaves office, Joe Biden just issued blanket pardons for his closest family. Having previously pardoned Hunter Biden, the departing executive just pardoned his brothers, James and Frank, along with his sister Valerie, and their spouses.
"The Biden family crime syndicate, those who engaged in the benefit of Joe Biden selling the influence of his office for financial gain, are attempting to preemptively pardon themselves from any investigation or prosecution of their criminal conduct." . . .
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