I firmly fear the Deep State is capable of murder, supported by members of Congress and useful idiots in the streets and on campus. They chant the term "unelected" about Elon Musk yet it is the unelected who willingly support those who burn and destroy in the name of "resistance" TD
The Trump Administration Goes to War against Bureaucratic Tyranny
. . ." The unelected bureaucracy does not reflect the wishes of the American people; it is the polar opposite of representative government. No matter how many propagandists defend Big Government as “our Democracy,” the ever-growing Leviathan is thoroughly authoritarian in disposition." . . .
Rich Terrell |
"He is upsetting the Potomac country club that begets cushy jobs and power to insiders. He’s rooting out the entrenched, unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy that ran Washington according to its whims and has squeezed Americans’ economic and personal liberties. Joe Biden’s replacement is disrupting the rule-making apparatus, where a single regulator costs our economy the equivalent of 138 private-sector jobs per year.
"People who refuse to think beyond the status quo cannot conceive of life without a powerful federal bureaucracy. Half of the country is enamored by and in love with government, and seems willing to fight, in the streets, if necessary, to ensure that it is an ever-growing machine that fronts for the Democratic Party.
"The Democrats and the media cry for the federal workers who are losing jobs due to Trump’s “chaos” (and who, when gone, will be more productive economic cogs in the private sector). But never did they care at all when Barack Obama’s “multiple regulations led to tens of thousands of job losses.”" . . .
. . ."Half the country needs to be educated about the harms of a running-wild bureaucracy. The paradigm that favors political society over civil society must be shifted. None of this will be painless or smooth. But it has to be done and now we finally have a president who is not shying away from the work." Issues & Insights
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