Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Neal Boortz  "Yup ... The Forest Service .. or at least this one public affairs officer, now thinks we should refer to illegal aliens as displaced foreign travelers. I trying here, but I really don't think I can add anything to that. It's just nonsense completely fitting of a government worker."

CNN's Feyerick Plays Hardball With Ground Zero Mosque Developer

Newsbusters  "The CNN correspondent almost immediately launched into her prayer space question. When the real estate developer initially replied, "There are Jewish community centers all over the country," Feyerick interrupted with a sharp retort: "But the Jews didn't take down two towers." El-Gamel continued that "there are YMCA's all over the country," but she gave a similar reply: "But the Christians didn't take down two towers."

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Ministries of Truth Weigh In

Victor Davis Hanson "And then there is Energy Secretary Chu. Why blurt out predictions of “no more agriculture in California”? Instead of figuring out how we are to have enough power to turn on the lights, Chu interjects alarm about the end of farming in the richest agricultural state in the union, part of a green editorial at a time when hundreds of thousands of acres of productive farmland lie idle during one of the wettest years in California’s recent history. What was “boot on their neck” about, Secretary Salazar? That brag assures Obama that his Interior secretary is on board, and can use the Chicago way to shake down $20 billion."

Race Card Fraud

Thomas Sowell "Playing the race card takes many forms. Judge Charles Pickering, a federal judge in Mississippi who defended the civil rights of blacks for years and defied the Ku Klux Klan back when that was dangerous, was depicted as a racist when he was nominated for a federal appellate judgeship.
"No one even mistakenly thought he was a racist. The point was simply to discredit him for political reasons-- and it worked."

Monday, July 19, 2010

Isn’t General Odierno Right?

Michael Ledeen "Our refusal to see the big war that we are actually fighting is making your commanders in the field very nervous. In another one of those little stories that appear just once and then vanish into the pit of Newspeak, General Odierno pointed out that the Iranians are still after our guys in Iraq, and we are making things easier for them."

Why the Left Shouldn’t Defend the New Black Panther Dismissal

J. Christian Adams "If history shows us anything, once one group of people feel they are excluded from the guarantees of equal protection, they wield enormous moral authority in their grievance. The “arc of history” inevitably “bends toward justice” in their direction. Hopefully, the rabid defenders of the New Black Panther dismissal will eventually recognize they are hurting their own cause. It will be more difficult to stop future voter intimidation, and fewer people will support the Voting Rights Act if they feel excluded from its protections.
Let us get past the personal attacks and move onto a substantive discussion of how to fix things inside the DOJ."

Unsatisfactory Answers on the New Black Panther Case "When career lawyers in the Civil Rights Division leaked internal legal memoranda during the Bush administration, it was front page news at the Washington Post. But the news division of the paper has exhibited no interest in this scandal or the internal legal memoranda on the New Black Panther case that are now in the public record. The fact that politics and race ideology are driving law-enforcement decisions at Justice does not seem to be news worth covering."

The Psychology of Recession

Victor Davis Hanson  "It is not just what Barack Obama has done, but far more what he most certainly would like to do in the future. When business people look at the confiscatory government in Venezuela, crony capitalism in Russia and China, democratic socialism in Greece, and sky-high taxes in most of the European Union, they do not see a connection between those policies and individual prosperity and freedom. So even the faintest hint that America is no longer exceptionally at odds with state-run systems, but may in fact wish to emulate them, simply stuns private enterprise into inaction.
""Good luck with that."

NAACP Ushers in The Era of Nonsense

Kevin Jackson "Jealous appears to have selective memory when it comes to who founded the NAACP and fought for the rights of blacks. While most groups are proud of their heritage, it seems the NAACP is intent on revising theirs, and in fact, I found no reference to the NAACP being founded by Republicans on their website! "

"The same Republicans, black and white, are still fighting for the rights of blacks, yet Jealous portrays us as racists."

President Haters

American Thinker "But the suffering generated by the reign of Obama is unnecessary and uncalled for, as any short examination will reveal:"...

Obama seeking dominion over nation's waters

American Thinker "Administration sources indicate that vast changes will come that will bring radical changes to how Americans use the oceans that lap our shores. Shipping, resource development, fishing, tourism - all areas will feel the impact of this maniacal drive for power - and not the kind the rest of us can use to light our homes. But the bureaucrats will bloom. The one growth industry left in America is government service."


Boortz "The Obama Administration needs and excuse for the law forcing people to buy health insurance, and they've found one. Now, suddenly, it's a TAX! That's tight, the health care mandate is actually a TAX and the government's "power to lay and collect taxes" is all the authorization they need! Amazing how the tune changes when they are backed up against the wall and are forced to defend the law based on our Constitution and not Obama logic".

An Ugly Preview of ObamaCare "Obama dodged the tough issues in favor of grandstanding. Imitating Patrick, he's already denouncing insurers' rates, as if that would solve the spending problem. What's occurring in Massachusetts is the plausible future: Unchecked health spending determines government priorities and inflates budget deficits and taxes, with small health gains. And they call this "reform"?" Robert Samuelson