Friday, December 10, 2010


Neal Boortz  ""This is the beginning of a concerted campaign across the board to knock conservative opinion off the air." Why does Bozell believe they are doing this? Because "they can't debate us anymore," so they've resorted to character assassination. Bozell points out that they tried the Fairness Doctrine, they tried localism campaigns, and now their latest effort starts with the demonization of Rush Limbaugh. He says that Al Sharpton is stirring the puddin', starting the chatter, making people think: well if Rush Limbaugh IS racist, what should we do about it? Once people think there is a problem, then they will search for solutions. This is where they turn to the government, which regulates the "public's airwaves." "

Sharpton Meeting With FCC to Demand Rush Be Thrown Off Air  ""Rush Limbaugh has the right to say whatever he wants to say, he does not have the right, though, to do it on publicly regulated airwaves. The FCC has the responsibility to set standards," Sharpton added."

Could one reason be because of Rush's Justice Brothers bits like this?
"Here is the latest from the "Just Us" Brothers. I love these radio commercials. Wonder if it helps with their shakedown business. From the law firm of 'Sharpton & Jackson'." Via TV Never Sleeps.

The Historical Lessons of Lower Tax Rates

Heritage  "...periods of higher tax rates are associated with sub par economic performance and stagnant tax revenues. In other words, when politicians attempt to "soak the rich," the rest of us take a bath. Examining the three major United States episodes of tax rate reductions can prove useful lessons."...

DEMS SAY 'NO' TO TAX COMPROMISE  "When cited information showing that government revenues actually increased when capital gains taxes were lowered, the exact response from Obama was: "What I've said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness." The same concept applies to Nancy Pelosi, only she is too seasoned of a politician to slip-up on something like this.
So the House is mounting its attack, but the Senate says that it will vote on this compromise within the next few days, then sending it to the House where it will face these Democrat nay-sayers. Neal Boortz

The war against America- how wikileaks is the front of progressive american hate

Freedomist "This is an intelligence analysis and an update on the Wikileaks War now being waged between Progressive activists along with their allies against the US and the West in general. we are reporting this as a war because the objective of both sides is to compel the other to comply with their agenda. Wikileaks forces are wishing to bring down the US and US allies, particularly in the Middle East, while the US and her allies are attempting to silence the wikileaks team and protect the sanctity of their secret information."
This is a war between a 7th century, barbaric culture and the civilized Christian-influenced West with some of our own people supporting the killers of women and children. We could ask why they could possibly side with the terror culture but there would be no plausible answer. The Israelis have been asking that for most of the past century and still can't understand it.

Is Obama's Tax Deal a Political Masterstroke?

Newsbusters  "Charles Krauthammer certainly seems to think so. He posits that the deal the president struck with Republicans was simply Stimulus II - with a large dose of class warfare rhetoric thrown in, he might have added."

Krauthammer: Swindle of the year:  "...says the current buzz, the left will instead challenge Obama for the Democratic nomination. Really now? For decades, African Americans have been this party's most loyal constituency. They vote 9 to 1 Democratic through hell and high water, through impeachment and recession, through everything. After four centuries of enduring much, African Americans finally see one of their own achieve the presidency. And their own party is going to deny him a shot at his own reelection?
"Not even Democrats are that stupid. The remaining question is whether they are just stupid enough to not understand - and therefore vote down - the swindle of the year just pulled off by their own president. "

Los Angeles bans new fast-food restaurants in South LA

Hot Air  "“This is not an attempt to control what food people put in their mouths,” LA city council member Jan Perry insists, but of course the new ban on new fast-food restaurants in South LA is exactly that."....
"Nor will this help the already-high unemployment in these low-income neighborhoods, as the ban will prevent a steady source of part-time work for students:"
21st century liberals at work.

Louisiana Senator Blocks NOAA Nominee Over De Facto Drilling Ban

Heritage  "These concerns stem from the recent Gulf offshore drilling moratorium and the ongoing lag in permit issuance since the ban was lifted in October. In a letter sent to President Obama today, Vitter characterizes it “as a continuing de facto moratorium.”"

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Julian Assange’s EgoLeaks

Victor Davis Hanson "In truth, Assange is a sorry product of the postmodern West. He reminds us of the morality of Western shock artists who freely caricature Christianity on the hallowed principle of free speech, but, in a nano-second, censor themselves when Islam might provide an even larger target for their cynical secular disdain. WikiLeaks is the journalistic equivalent of a Piss Christ exhibition of the contemporary art world — a repellent reminder of the cowardly selectivity of the shock-jock huckster."
The yellow font is to make sure nobody misses this. Remember: never, never call a leftist activist "courageous". This fatwa will remain in force until I see an example of  courage come from a liberal, leftist, "progressive" activist. So far I've waited all through Vietnam and up to today. However, having said all that...

The Real WikiLeaks Villian Is Not Julian Assange  " Say what you want about Berkeley, but they got it right this time, in their own sick way: If you’re going to praise the America-hating traitor responsible for this incident, your award should go to Manning, who actually leaked the secret government files, rather than Assange, who merely put them on his Web site."

Obama and the Democratic Revolt

Karl Rove; Wall Street Journal  "In a man-bites-dog moment in September, 31 Democrats signed a letter telling Ms. Pelosi that now was not the time to raise any American's taxes. It was smart politics. As a new poll from American Crossroads (a group with which I'm associated) has found, Americans believe—by a 4-to-1 margin—that raising taxes in a recession will hurt growth, and that tax rates should stay where they are so employers start hiring again."

Sloppy ABC Misleads on Estate Tax Being 'Slashed'; It Will Actually Increase 35 Percent

Newsbusters  "In reality, the so-called death tax is currently at zero. Under the deal, it will increase to 35 percent. Karl mangled, "Even Democratic leaders are fuming, especially unhappy with the provision that slashes the tax on inheritances."
"On the CBS Early Show, news anchor Jeff Glor spun, "One of [the Democrats'] major objections, that proposal to lower estate taxes." Again, an increase from zero to 35 percent is not "lowering." (If no action had been taken the rate would have returned to 55 percent for individuals worth more than $1 million.) This may be slowing the rate of increase and increasing the exemption rate, but it's hardly "slashing.""

Missing W.; When the President Was an Adult

Bruce S. Thornton  "But like his classy refusal since leaving office to criticize his successor, the qualities of character on display in his interviews — self-deprecating, amiable, sincere, unpretentious, and principled — are, by contrast with Obama, as damning an indictment of our current president as was the recent electoral rebuke.
"Most impressive is Bush’s disregard for the estimation of the liberal media and punditocracy, and his indifference to the brutal invective and insult they heaped upon him while in office. No more disturbing to Bush are Obama’s attempts to use him as a scapegoat for all the problems Obama has failed to solve or in some cases has worsened."

Hugo Chávez's ex-wife gives Washington insights into strongman's psyche: WikiLeaks

American Thinker  "*Chávez as a poor youngster was influenced by a teacher who admired Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. Ambitions from an early age, Chávez imagined himself running the country as a 20 year-old."
Isn't that Obama's life story?

Arson attacks spread from North to Jerusalem. Air fleet battles Carmel fire

DEBKAfile  "Black stumps and soot-laden soil are all that remains of 10,000 acres of nature reserve, parks and woodland of the northern Carmel range, one of the most popular and scenic getaway spots in the country. Four million trees, some of them rare species, were lost, despite the efforts of the Nature and Parks Authority and Jewish National Fund personnel. The Hay Bar open zoo is threatened, although the animals are still safe."

Fire services report shows Israel unready for war, again  ""The situation is insufferable," he writes. The discrepancies are severe and the fire services are a bottleneck that could injure the rescue forces as a whole."