Sunday, June 21, 2015

Dylann Roof’s Racist Massacre Was Universally Condemned — Why Are Liberal Pundits Pretending Otherwise?

Charles C. W. Cooke

. . . "On The Nightly Show yesterday, Larry Wilmore made the same mistake, explaining to his audience of clapping seals that Fox News “makes my f*cking head explode.” “With all of [the] evidence” available, Wilmore contended, still conservatives would not accept “that racial stuff” had gone down. This was a cheap shot at the time that it was fired. But, had he waited a few more hours, he would have seen just how cheap it was. Running through his “talking points memo,” favored boogeyman Bill O’Reilly cast the attack as “terrorism” and concluded bluntly that “skin color seems to be the motivator.” The assault, O’Reilly proposed, is “no different than what ISIS and al-Qaeda does targeting civilians because of who they are.” “This is not a tragedy,” he added, “this is an execution designed to terrorize people just like the Boston Marathon bombing and the mass murder at Fort Hood, Texas.” Unlike with much of the reaction to the shooting at Charlie Hebdo, there was no impending “but.” . . .Full article here.

 Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Rumor or fact? Westboro Baptist Church Said To Protest At Funerals Of Charleston Shooting Victims

No sign in their picket schedule of anything scheduled for Charleston, even though they are fully willing and capable of something like this. Here below is their list of scheduled pickets:
Westboro Baptist Church picket schedule


"The funniest guide to politically correct behavior ever! "

Newsmachete   "The University of California published a guide to microaggressions.  If you don't know what that is, microaggressions are ordinary,  unoffensive comments and actions that offend feminists and minority "activists" with chips on their shoulders.
"Because this is such a big problem in the minds of liberals, UC has published an unintentionally hysterical guide to microaggressive behavior.  What follows is a list of microaggresive behaviors, exactly as written, and then my own interpretation of what would not be microaggressive alternatives:" . . .   
Read more

" The funniest part about all this is that the people who wrote this were serious!  Not only are they trying to make ordinary statements offensive, but they are trying to make statements like "America is the land of opportunity" and "the most qualified person should be hired" appear bigoted.  If you were in charge of the UC system, what would you suggest to further foment resentment among the ethnicities and sexes?

Claiming microaggression is a way to control others.  "Here’s an explanation by a professor at Columbia University Teachers College of what microaggression is:"


It's time to ban a certain hate-filled flag

American Thinker   "I'm a big fan of the First Amendment.  I don't like the idea of outlawing speech.  But if the media says that some form of speech is a problem, then I think we should immediately ban it.  I'm thinking in particular of one hate-filled flag that incites violence among many people, especially in the South.  If a flag is a cause of such violence, shouldn't we ban it? 
    Read more
 Why are so many illegals committing crime?  I believe that it is because of their Mexican nationalist ideology, which is fomented by foreign nationalist symbols like the Mexican flag, which now increasingly flies in America in places like here, here, here, and here.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Church Murderer had a "Manifesto", But...

...don't look for it here. I'm sick of loony jerks who always seem to have some "manifesto". They look loony, They think loony, they commit loony acts, and then they want us to read their loony thoughts, but not here.

There are many more important affairs in this world, and many other words that affect our lives greatly, but they won't come from this piece of human refuse.

As far as I'm concerned, this guy's thoughts rank even lower than those of Obama's White House spokesman. The Tunnel Dweller

Farrakhan Calls For Non-Peaceful Revolution, Asks Obama To Lead A New Black Nation

Newzvids "In a recent lengthy interview with New York’s Power 105.1 FM “The Breakfast Club,” the leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan said he is Organizing a new Million Man March on Washington. Farrakhan called for “leaders that want to lead Black people in this hour to be willing to back truth up with your life! Then change will come.” Later in the interview Farrakhan spoke about Obama saying – we will make you a real president of a real nation, a new black nation is coming up, we want a nation of our own and we will have it."  Hat tip to Tom Roto., Orlando, FLA 


Charleston is not Ferguson nor Baltimore

Brian Hyder  "Hey Ferguson. Hey Baltimore. This is South Carolina. This is how we do it. We are family.
"No riots. No looting. Nobody acting like animals.
"What do you see here? Multi-racial. Multi-ethnic. All colors. All races. Banding together to defeat evil.
"No Obama. No Sharpton. We don't need Obama's politicizing attitude. We don't need Sharpton's divisive presence. Both of you, STAY AWAY!"


Democrat voter registration begins

Mike Angelo
"So as I understand it; Miss Piggy....I mean Miss Hillary is now running for President......and here it looks like the Democrats have begun to round up the votes in favor.....wonderful....simply wonderful!!!!!!!!"

Democrats and Charleston

Lloyd Marcus: Casting Blame for Charleston: They Can't Help Themselves "In general, the responses by community leaders to the horrible shooting coming out of Charleston have been wonderful: unifying, prayerful and inspiring.

"Sadly, the usual suspects on the Left could not resist exploiting the devastating evil terrorist attack to further their political agenda and demonize conservatives. MSNBC typically tried to stir the pot of racial hate claiming Charleston residents told them they are fed up with such attacks, as if the shooting were a routine occurrence. The residents that I heard interviewed talked about all races in their community coming together to promote healing. MSNBC is despicable and evil. . . .
First and foremost, the Democratic Party has sold its soul to progressivism. Without divine intervention, the relentless pursuit of their agenda trumps everything. American lives and national race relations are considered acceptable collateral damage in achieving their ultimate goal; big brother controlling everyone and everything in our lives.
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Facts for the mighty mouth to swallow..  "Obama, on the Charleston shootings:  "[W]e as a country have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.”
"No doubt many of Obama's progressive disciples will abjectly swallow his mendacious pronouncement.  Here is some factual "ammunition" for supporters of the Second Amendment.

President Obama just can't help it  " President Obama just missed an opportunity to bring the country together at a time of serious hurt from coast to coast."

5 Pathetic Exploitations of Charleston Murders

Legal Insurrection
  Bringing “never let a tragedy go to waste” to a whole new level.

1. When in doubt, blame Fox News 

"The left has always had an abusive relationship with the journalists at Fox News, and never waits long before trying to tie the latest domestic tragedy to the “hate filled rhetoric” “spewing” from the conservative network.

"South Carolina Democratic Representative Todd Rutherford all but blamed the Charleston massacre on “things like Fox News,” and when confronted by Bill O’Reilly, doubled down."

" Newsbusters has the breakdown:. . .

2. …and All Whites

Salon’s thinkpiece culture is always good for a laugh, but their molten take on the shootings in Charleston was nothing but a 1000 word attempt to hold all white people responsible for the actions of Dylann Roof. The tag line claims that Charleston has “revealed a double standard” on race, but unfortunately for Salon, all they’ve done is reveal their own enthusiasm for reverse racism.
 . . . 

3. Projection coming from our top men. Top. Men.

"Always. Every time. Probably until forever. Is this man never not on the stump?
 "Here’s a snippet from President Obama’s statement following the massacre:
We don’t have all the facts, but we do know that, once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun.
Now is the time for mourning and for healing. But let’s be clear: . . .

4. The handcuffs that weren’t…and then were.

Screen Shot 2015-06-20 at 12.59.17 AM

..Well, white this, racist demagogue:

5. A “whiff of white supremacy”

You knew Chris Matthews would have something to say about this, didn't you?

We have seen the class and Christian grace the surviving victims demonstrated. Let us pray that the actions of the Sharptons, MSNBC commentators (pick any), Congressional Black Caucus, and numerous vandals hoping to get new TVs do not destroy this tragic but lovely memory of the Christians' forgiveness toward this racist murderer. TD
Below:  Barbara Lloyd (center) cries as she joins hands with mourners during the singing of “We Shall Overcome” at Friday night’s Community Prayer and Healing Vigil.
Barbara Lloyd (center) cries as she joins hands with mourners during the singing of “We Shall Overcome” at Friday night’s Community Prayer and Healing Vigil.
. . . "Rightly or wrongly, if a black person is killed by a white person (usually law enforcement) in those cities, the conflict-driven Marxist agitators need only show up and toss a few incendiary racist comments before the whole area is in chaos.

"But that’s proven hard to do in Charleston.

"Dylann Roof wanted to start a “race war,” and by all accounts, that might be exactly what some professional protesters wants to do too." . . .

Alan Caruba: No Strategy. No Clue.

All this man knows is that he strongly dislikes America as founded, and is ashamed of this nation and her history, just as his mentor and pastor Jeremiah Wright did. TD
Warning Signs


"The Wednesday, June 10 Wall Street Journal headline at the top of the page was “Obama Set to Expand Troops in Iraq.” We were 589 days into the two terms Barack Hussein Obama has served in the office of President of the United States and he is as clueless now as he was when he arrived on January 20, 2009.

“ 'President Barack Obama is poised to send hundreds more American advisers to a new base in a strategic Iraqi region to help devise a counterattack against marauding Islamic State militants, U.S. officials said Tuesday, a shift that underscores American concern over recent battlefield losses.” It’s 450 “trainers.”

"We have had losses because (1) Obama was elected on a promise to end the conflict in Iraq and (2) reelected by pulling out troops to the point that the remaining Iraqi troops—Shiites in the south—decided it wasn’t worth dying for their leaders. Can’t say I blame them, but dying at the hands of ninth century Islamic fanatics is the fate that threatens the entire Middle East, not just Iraq or what’s left of it." . . .Full Article

Friday, June 19, 2015

Krauthammer: A new strategy for Iraq and Syria

. . . "What to do? Redirect our efforts to friendly forces deeply committed to the fight, beginning with the Kurds, who have the will, the skill and have demonstrated considerable success. This year alone, they have taken back more than 500 Christian and Kurdish towns from the Islamic State. Unlike the Iraqi army, however, they are starved for weapons because, absurdly, we send them through Baghdad, which sends along only a trickle.

"This week, more Kurdish success. With U.S. air support, Syrian Kurds captured the strategic town of Tal Abyad from the Islamic State. Which is important for two reasons. Tal Abyad controls the road connecting the terror group’s capital of Raqqa to Turkey, from which it receives fighters, weapons and supplies. Tal Abyad is “a lung through which [the Islamic State] breathed and connected to the outside world,” said Kurdish commander Haqi Kobane.
. . .
 "These [Kurdish] successes suggest a new U.S. strategy. Abandon our anachronistic fealty to the central Iraqi government (now largely under Iran’s sway anyway) and begin supplying the Iraqi Kurds in a direct, 24-hour, Berlin-style airlift. And in Syria, intensify our training, equipping and air support for the now-developing Kurdish safe zone. Similarly, through Jordan, for the Free Syrian Army’s Southern Front. Such a serious and relentless strategy would not only roll back Islamic State territorial gains, it would puncture the myth of Islamic State invincibility.
. . . Kurdish women fight:
Kurdish women fighting ISIS

. . . Knowing they may die:
Note to Sally Kohn: Now this war on women is not some silly slogan.