Sunday, June 21, 2015

"The funniest guide to politically correct behavior ever! "

Newsmachete   "The University of California published a guide to microaggressions.  If you don't know what that is, microaggressions are ordinary,  unoffensive comments and actions that offend feminists and minority "activists" with chips on their shoulders.
"Because this is such a big problem in the minds of liberals, UC has published an unintentionally hysterical guide to microaggressive behavior.  What follows is a list of microaggresive behaviors, exactly as written, and then my own interpretation of what would not be microaggressive alternatives:" . . .   
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" The funniest part about all this is that the people who wrote this were serious!  Not only are they trying to make ordinary statements offensive, but they are trying to make statements like "America is the land of opportunity" and "the most qualified person should be hired" appear bigoted.  If you were in charge of the UC system, what would you suggest to further foment resentment among the ethnicities and sexes?

Claiming microaggression is a way to control others.  "Here’s an explanation by a professor at Columbia University Teachers College of what microaggression is:"


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