"The show mocks a woman's weight, her speech, and of course her politics — how low can these people go?"
But...but, how can this be? Liberals are nice people who provide safe spaces to protect snowflakes from any unpleasantness. TD
Lifezette "The latest episode of “Saturday Night Live” took on its usual targets: Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary (played by Melissa McCarthy), and President Donald Trump, played by Alec Baldwin. But the show also had Sarah Huckabee Sanders in its sights and used questionable means to mock the principal deputy White House press secretary.
"In a sketch that showed McCarthy’s Spicer retaking his podium at a press briefing, Huckabee is shown as clumsy and dumb, with a particularly over-the-top Southern accent. She’s also seen midway through the sketch, coming from backstage munching on an apple." . . .
The video is there; I just didn't want to post it. TD