Saturday, September 16, 2017

Frank Giaccio Mows White House Lawn – Doesn’t Stop to Say Hi to President Trump

The Political Insider  "This morning’s terrorist attacks in Paris, London, and Lyon have Americans feeling anxious and dour. Thankfully, a feel-good story out of the White House is just what we need to lift our spirits.
"This morning, eleven-year-old Frank Giaccio had his wish come true: He got to mow the White House lawn.
"The tenacious yard worker wrote a letter to the White House last August, offering to mow the grounds for free.
"President Trump must have sensed a good deal, because Frank was granted permission to mow." . . .

"There was something funny about that video. Did you notice it?
"When President Trump came out to greet Frank, he barely batted an eye at the president. Frank stuck to his work, and remained dedicated to getting the job done.
"Now that’s what I call dedication. Frank certainly enjoyed the experience of mowing the White House lawn, but he didn’t let the fame get in the way of completing the job" . . .

"Classic Gene Autry Clip from 1942 Shows Exactly Why President Trump Won"

The Political Insider   "Hollywood is a liberal place run by haters of President Donald Trump. But it wasn’t always that way.
"President Trump, as a common sense businessman who speaks directly to the American people, isn’t afraid to stand up for American greatness. What a refreshing change, after eight years of Obama!
"Looking back, this video from 1942 with the legendary singing cowboy Gene Autry seems eerily prophetic to Trump’s victory and what’s happening in America today.
"With Hollywood hating Trump, and NFL football players kneeling during the National Anthem, left-wing disrespect for America and our country’s flag is at an all-time high.
"In a message that Colin Kaepernick needs to hear, Autry sings, “If you don’t like the Red, White and Blue. Then don’t act like the cur in the story. Don’t bite the hand that’s feeding you!”
"And what about DREAMers, who protest Trump and America while taking advantage of public services? Autry says of them: “If you don’t like your Uncle Sammy, Then go back to your home o’er the sea, to the land from where you came.”
"Watch (below) this classic clip:"

"The song, “Don’t Bite the Hand That’s Feeding You” is from 1915 (lyrics by Thomas Hoier and music by Jimmie Morgan), and was performed by other legendary Hollywood actors and actresses, such a[s] Judy Garland.  . . ."

Friday, September 15, 2017

Still trying to figure it out: Character or Color?

Looting and Race: Should It Matter?  . . . 'During reporting on the situation, however, some ire was directed toward one newscaster who presented blacks as "looters" and whites as carrying "found" goods." . . .

Maybe Democrats should go back and listen to Dr. King's words about judging people by their character rather than skin color.   . . . "Remember the one about the changing color of the country?
"Well, it turns out John B. Judis, "the demo guy" wants to amend his theory. Not so fast on this game of demographics, he argues now:  . . ." 
. . . "In Texas, the very conservative Senator John Cornyn and candidate for governor Greg Abbott, did well with Hispanics without ever calling for "amnesty" or open borders. At the same time, Democrat Wendy Davis did not do well with Hispanic women who weren't crazy about her views on abortion." . . .

HERE IT IS: 30 Years of Trump FIGHTING RACISM That the Media Doesn’t Want You to See   "President Donald Trump was never accused of being a racist until he began running for office, and the Left and mainstream media have been using it as a tool to discredit him.
"The truth is, our President has always taken a strong stand against racism and hate groups, and has not only been saying it, his actions portray it.

HERE IT IS: 30 Years of Trump FIGHTING RACISM That the Media Doesn’t Want You to See (Video)

"Watch Donald Trump disavow David Duke, the KKK and all racists, over and over again, dating back 17 years, while the liberal media keeps denying he did, and insists he must be a racist himself." . . .

Hat tip to LaDonna Perigo; Garibaldi, OR

More from my Hillary Watch

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"Hillary Clinton launched her book tour Tuesday in which she’s blaming the Russians, Bernie Sanders, the DNC, sexism and Jim Comey for why she lost. A rescue operation is pending. When O.J. Simpson gets out of prison in three weeks, he’s going to help Hillary find the real reason she lost."   Comedian Argus Hamilton
Hillary's Media Criticisms Are a Perfect Snapshot of Why She Lost 
. . .  If Hillary Clinton truly believes that the thoroughly Democrat-friendly media was complicit in getting Trump elected, she is going to be seeing enemies everywhere. What the MSM really did was work overtime to prop up a thoroughly unlikable candidate. She just doesn't know that she's that candidate.
"Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's book tour is barely underway and it is already revealing just how much the Electoral College helped the United States dodge a bullet last year. She's hurling out blame at an astonishing rate. One second it's Matt Lauer's fault. The next, Bernie Sanders is the culprit. When she pauses the blame litany for a brief moment, she's mad at Ivanka Trump

"If she hasn't blamed or complained about you yet, just wait a day or two, she'll get to you.

"The inability to articulate any flaws of her own is certainly a component in why she lost. She's imperious, entitled, and thinks she's owed the presidency because she stayed with Bubba when he publicly humiliated her. 

"But it is her bizarre assessment of the media's role in her loss that really shows how out of touch with reality she is.
. . . 
And she thinks there should be more liberal-leaning shows and publications to counteract a right-wing media apparatus that she calls "propaganda." [!]
Ethel C. Fenig  What Happened to the One Star Reviews?
. . . "And, according to Amazon, 95% of  its reviewers have given her blame-everyone-but-me tale of woe the highest rating of five whole stars.  But, according to the British Telegraph, Amazon has deleted many one star critical reviews . . ." 

The Respectful Marxist

Mike Adams

Author’s Note: The professor who is the subject of this column has argued that when we call someone out by name in an opinion column we invoke the Seahawk Respect Compact and therefore lose the protection of the First Amendment. Hence, I have omitted his name so he will not have me brought before the university respect tribunal.
 "A Marxist sociologist at my university has made the serious error of writing a letter to the editor of the local newspaper calling on the university to impose “sanctions” upon me for violating the university respect compact in one of my opinion columns. Notably, his letter was written less than three years after the university was ordered to pay over three-quarters of a million dollars in a First Amendment retaliation claim to my lawyers and me. Of course, Marxists are not known for their ability to learn from history. However, it is my hope that the rest of us can learn something from his deeply confused letter. Let me summarize it briefly.

"The respectful Marxist first contends that offensive speech is not per se outside the protection of the First Amendment. He gets this one right if only because they were still teaching civics when he was a seventeen-year-old high school student. But let’s give credit where credit is due. Most college professors in the so-called social sciences either do not know this or just pretend not to know it in order to quash debate." . . .

Trump is a golfer, but not as obsessive as a previous Cosmo-model president

Irma Survivor Tells Trump: “Obama Was Playing Golf During The Last Hurricane”   "While this was happening, the CNN reporters laughed nervously."

Patricia Heaton Speaks Up for Shapiro During Berkeley Madness

Patricia Heaton Speaks Up for Shapiro During Berkeley Madness

"Ben Shapiro somehow managed to speak at the University of California at Berkeley Thursday night free of a black eye. Social justice warriors apparently could not handle a well spoken conservative pundit. The school was even offering counseling sessions to triggered scholars.
"Actress Patricia Heaton, aware of the nonsense that took place ahead of Shapiro's speaking gig, was compelled to speak up on Twitter, especially after film producer Tariq Nasheed called Shapiro a "fake Jew."
If @benshapiro is a fake jew, why does he not show up at my Sat nite dinner party until after sunrise & refuse to eat my non-kosher food? 
"Nasheed responded by accusing Heaton of being complicit in Shapiro's "anti-black" rhetoric. She couldn't find any such comments and informed Nasheed that she serves on the board of the Jr. Posse Youth Equestrian Program and provides college scholarships to black students.
"He didn't care, so Heaton sent him on his way. 

" 'Oh my," she tweeted. "Never mind. I see there is no chance of having a thoughtful discussion. Blessings to you.' " . . .

UPDATED: Harvard University withdraws fellowship invitation to Chelsea Manning


FILE PHOTO: Chelsea Manning poses in a photo of herself for the first time since she was released from prison

(Also here at Townhall) "Harvard did the right thing, but it’s probably going to be a very triggering day for progressives." 
"Harvard University on Friday withdrew a fellowship invitation to Chelsea Manning, the transgender U.S. Army soldier who was convicted of leaking classified data, after two top intelligence experts distanced themselves from the school over the invite.
"Manning, 29, was released in May from a U.S. military prison in Kansas where she had been serving time for passing secrets to the WikiLeaks website in the biggest breach of classified data in the history of the United States.
"Harvard Kennedy School of government announced on Wednesday that it had invited the controversial figure to be a visiting fellow and speak at a forum. The invitation to speak at the university still stands, said Douglas Elmendorf, the dean of Harvard Kennedy School, in a statement.
" 'I now think that designating Chelsea Manning as a visiting fellow was a mistake, for which I accept responsibility," Elmendorf said. "I see more clearly now that many people view a visiting fellow title as an honorific, so we should weigh that consideration when offering invitations.' " . . .
" 'While I have served my country as a soldier in the United States Army and will continue to defend Ms. Manning's right to offer a defense of why she chose this path, I believe it is shameful for Harvard to place its stamp of approval upon her treasonous actions," Pompeo wrote." . . .

Excellent, in-depth discussion of academic - I have to say this - silliness: 
. . . "But here is what got the attention of the real powers at Harvard:
Please know that I am fully aware that Belfer and the IOP are separate institutions within the Kennedy School. And that most likely Belfer had nothing to do with the invitation of Ms. Manning to be a fellow at IOP. But as an institution, The Kennedy School’s decision will assist Ms. Manning in her long-standing effort to legitimize the criminal path that she took to prominence, and attempt that may encourage others to leak classified information as well. I have an obligation to my conscience – and I believe to the country – to stand up against any efforts to justify leaks of sensitive national security information.
"It is not very often that we see a major university rebuke its members for living in a bubble."

Monica Showalter: Chelsea Manning's sneering, self-pitying tweets about getting dumped by Harvard   "Chelsea Manning has been making quite a spectacle of himself out on Twitter, taking Michael Morrell's and Mike Pompeo's exit from the school as a welcome new opportunity to call attention to himself. He starts with an emoji-filled cheer at news of Morrell's resignation from Harvard after the school's bad judgment in bringing "Manning in as a fellow to 'mentor' students. Manning declared it 'good' that Morrell has pulled out." . . .

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Matt Lauer: “Did You Make Enough Mistakes Yourself To Lose The Election?” Clinton: “I Would Say No”

Oh. First this: Amazon Propping Up Hillary Clinton’s New Book?

Weasel Zippers

Notice her skill at taking the subject off Lauer's question after making a cursory answer to his question about her mistakes. This got her away from a follow-up question.

"Delusional arrogant harpy.
"Via Fox News:
Matt Lauer did not shy away from confronting Hillary Clinton for blaming the “Today” co-host for his role in losing her the election.
Clinton called out Lauer in her new memoir for focusing too much on her highly publicized email scandal at the presidential forum held at New York City’s U.S.S. Intrepid last September.
Lauer took the opportunity Wednesday to question Clinton about her claims when she appeared in her first live television interview since she lost the election.
“You criticized me pretty soundly in a few pages of this book,” Lauer told Clinton in the second half of her interview on the “Today” show.
He quizzed, “Did you make enough mistakes yourself to lose the election?”
Clinton shot back, “Well, I will say no Matt” before launching into a push for her new book.

MSNBC's Katy Tur accidentally reveals the left's bizarre mindset

Thomas Lifson  "There is a lot of competition, but MSNBC's Katy Tur is a strong contender for the title of "Most Obnoxious Media Leftist."  In her latest embarrassment, she revealed on Meet The Press Daily a disturbing understanding of what life is like for Americans.  To put it bluntly, in her world, politics is the supreme concern, and all life decisions quite naturally accord priority to the political consequences of personal choices.

"That must be why, without a flicker of hesitation, she could recommend that the Democratic Party simply "recruit" surplus Democrat voters from California to relocate to swing states that voted for Trump.  David Rutz of the Free Beacon presents the exchange (video embedded below):
"Why would the Democratic Party not just recruit people from California to move to Michigan and to Wisconsin?" Tur asked, adding it seemed like a "simplistic answer."
Tur said her friends had "brought this up repeatedly whenever we've talked about what's going on with the Democrats."
"Democrats have more voters, but they're in the wrong places," New York Times reporter Nicholas Confessore said.
Liberal guest Zerlina Maxwell interjected that there are policies in red states that "marginalize communities and that's why we choose to live in places like California and New York."
"Got it," Tur said. . . .
 Her father was Bob Tur but who "is now officially Zoey Tur.
"The TV helicopter pilot, who famously covered the O.J. Simpson Bronco chase and captured the Reginald Denny beating for KCBS in Los Angeles, has completed gender reassignment surgery, TMZ reported."
Katy's father is also known for this altercation with Ben Shapiro:

The greatest threat facing the West

"The standard operating key of this campaign is to target anyone that doesn’t hold “modern” progressive views. Anyone who espouses the unacceptable teachings of Christ or challenges their view of acceptable Christianity must be removed from the public life, because they represent a danger to the Western world’s cherry-picked view of Christianity."

Ojel L. Rodriguez  "The error of Western Civilization is that it has divorced Christ from his Cross” these words, probably theatrical in tone, integrate greatly the recent political news arising from our Anglosphere world. Voiced on a rerun of the program “A life Worth Living” hosted by the late Archbishop Fulton Sheen, the words summed up the greatest threat to our Western society, highlighted by the past few weeks news cycle -- the removal of Christianity from the public sphere.

"The uproar raised by comments by a backbench member of the British Parliament and the line of questioning from certain U.S. senators to a judicial nominee are perfect examples of how this campaign by Western liberalism is being normalized. This campaign, based in the misguided belief in liberal “equality,” is menacing the order necessary to sustain our society under the mantle of ordered liberty.
"Last week in the U.S. Senate, examples of these attempts to bar anyone who holds, in their words, “orthodox” or “extreme” views from the public sphere, were in full display. Judicial nominee Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump's nominee for the 7th Circuit Court, was questioned by Democratic senators such as Diane Feinstein and Dick Durbin on whether her Catholic faith would be an impediment to her as a judge. Question range from “Do you consider yourself an ‘orthodox Catholic?” from Durbin to Feinstein comments “…I think in your case, Professor, when you read your speeches, the conclusion one draws is that the dogma lives loudly within you, and that’s of concern.' ”  . . . 
"The exclusion of the Christian religion amounts to removing the driver from the wheel, with the consequences being a society in decay. So it is absolutely right that Christianity should be at the heart of our public life, not sidelined to a private Benedictine bubble."

"Peace activists" choose wooden bats over aluminum, apparently
How to Make a Revolution    "The new leftist Revolution USA may be orchestrated by a remarkably small number of people and a little information technology.  Forget the neo-Nazis in this as they are generally stupid and love physical activity. Letter writing in any form is not their game.  You talk about ISIS using the Internet in sophisticated ways?  They are mere amateurs compared to really serious players, who not only recruit but also mass message and try to control the agenda.Consider this.   You have a small group of loyal participants willing to protest against any particular event, on cue.  What to do?" . . .

THE HILL CALLS THEM “ACTIVISTS:” Antifa Terrorists Say Violence is Necessary.   "It’s sad but the quality of journalism at The Hill seems to have been declining lately."

 Jammie Wearing Fools posts it here: Antifa Terrorists Say Violence is Necessary  "These media and Democrat darlings are becoming more of a nuisance for their supporters and let’s say say the mask has dropped on their intentions. No more “mostly peaceful” nonsense for these clowns, they’re a domestic terror group and the sooner they’re crushed the better of we’ll all be. Remarkably, the headline to the story calls them activists.

Anti-fascist activists, or “antifa,” increasingly mobilized in the wake of President Trump’s election, are unapologetic about what they describe as the necessary use of violence to combat authoritarianism.