Friday, September 15, 2017

Still trying to figure it out: Character or Color?

Looting and Race: Should It Matter?  . . . 'During reporting on the situation, however, some ire was directed toward one newscaster who presented blacks as "looters" and whites as carrying "found" goods." . . .

Maybe Democrats should go back and listen to Dr. King's words about judging people by their character rather than skin color.   . . . "Remember the one about the changing color of the country?
"Well, it turns out John B. Judis, "the demo guy" wants to amend his theory. Not so fast on this game of demographics, he argues now:  . . ." 
. . . "In Texas, the very conservative Senator John Cornyn and candidate for governor Greg Abbott, did well with Hispanics without ever calling for "amnesty" or open borders. At the same time, Democrat Wendy Davis did not do well with Hispanic women who weren't crazy about her views on abortion." . . .

HERE IT IS: 30 Years of Trump FIGHTING RACISM That the Media Doesn’t Want You to See   "President Donald Trump was never accused of being a racist until he began running for office, and the Left and mainstream media have been using it as a tool to discredit him.
"The truth is, our President has always taken a strong stand against racism and hate groups, and has not only been saying it, his actions portray it.

HERE IT IS: 30 Years of Trump FIGHTING RACISM That the Media Doesn’t Want You to See (Video)

"Watch Donald Trump disavow David Duke, the KKK and all racists, over and over again, dating back 17 years, while the liberal media keeps denying he did, and insists he must be a racist himself." . . .

Hat tip to LaDonna Perigo; Garibaldi, OR

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