Saturday, September 7, 2019

A Shameless Lying MSNBC Hack is the Face of the Media ...

Daniel Greenfield

"At the end of July, MSNBC’s biggest and dullest conspiracy theorist got some very bad news.
"After over a year of booming ratings, The Rachel Maddow Show’s viewership had crashed. It had been a long road for Maddow, the former blonde Catholic high school girl who had decided she wanted to be a media personality and ended up with an MSNBC show through the efforts of Keith Olbermann.
"And after Keith was gone, MSNBC had to settle for a slightly less effeminate version of Olbermann.
"Maddow had retained the key elements of Olbermann’s personality, the unhinged conspiracy theories, histrionic delivery, the dark hair and even the fashionably ugly boxy black glasses. The former blonde not only looked and sounded like Olbermann, but she had learned to hit the same buttons in her audience.
"One man had made her MSNBC career possible and another moved her show into the top cable spot.
"That man was Robert Mueller. There was no Russian conspiracy theory too bizarre or insane to earn a rant from Rachel. Going where few dared go, Maddow began insisting that Russia was conducting a “continuing operation” and might even be in control of the White House and the entire country now.
"And then the Mueller Report and later, Mueller’s testimony, destroyed all of Maddow’s conspiracies.
"At the height of her Russian conspiracy theories in which she connected everyone and their uncle to Moscow, Maddow had could boast 4 million viewers while claiming to be the top cable news show. In July, she had fallen to fifth place without even 2.5 million viewers to scrape together for her rants." . . .
Looking back:  MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Reveals Democrats’ Targeted Plan to Block Kavanaugh’s Confirmation: ‘There Is a Method to What They Are Doing’

Rachel Maddow, done in by her own 'fake news' mouth  . . . "Here’s how it all went down, beginning at 7:36 p.m. Eastern Time: Maddow tweeted “BREAKING: We’ve got Trump tax returns. Tonight, 9pm ET. MSNBC. (Seriously).”
"The “seriously” gave it extra oomph — not to mention extra mystery. It wasn’t long before social media got buzzing, wondering the likes of how many tax returns Maddow had, whether she had the paperwork goods that would lead her not only to become the One Who "Got Donald Trump, but the One Who Got Donald Trump Impeached.
"Well, 8:21 came and went, and nothing. Then 8:22 came and went — and again, nothing. "Yes, it was all the way to 8:24 when the next Maddow tweet came out, this one specifying that it was Trump’s IRS Form 1040 from 2005.
"We’ve got the goods. Let the Trump tears begin.
"And now the show starts, and Maddow starts to talk and as the seconds wear into minutes, and the minutes into many minutes, viewers begin to realize: This lady ain’t gonna get to the point any time soon.
“ 'In just a second, we’re going to show you exactly what it is we’ve got,” Maddow said, at the opening of the broadcast hour.
"But second must have a different meaning in Maddow world, because it was actually 23 minutes or so into the show — a long 23 minutes, marked by twists and turns into conspiratorial territory about Russia, real estate and the Deutsche Bank — before she hit remotely on the topic of viewer anticipation. Even that was after commercial break.
"And by then, wouldn’t you know it, the White House had released its own tax information, saying Trump had paid millions of dollars on $150 million worth of income in 2005.

CNN to Host a Presidential Town Hall on LGBTQ Issues

Eric Lendrum  "CNN, in conjunction with the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, has announced that it will be hosting a town hall focusing exclusively on the LGBTQ community and its issues.
"The event will be held on October 10th, and candidates who wish to participate must meet the same criteria as the official primary debates, meaning that they must register at least two percent in four or more national polls recognized by the DNC, as well as having over 130,000 individual campaign donors.
"Currently, only six candidates have accepted CNN’s invitation to appear at the debate: Former Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D-Ind.), former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro (D-Texas), and Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.).
"In announcing the town hall, the HRC Foundation’s president Alphonso David claimed, without evidence, that “in 30 states, LGBTQ people remain at risk of being fired, evicted, or denied services because of” their sexuality. He also falsely claimed that the “Trump-Pence Administration is directly attacking our community…and seeking to erase LGBTQ people from protections under law.”
"This announcement comes the day after CNN hosted a 7-hour town hall focusing solely on “global warming,” featuring 10 candidates. This will mark the second presidential town hall hosted by the network focusing exclusively on a single issue." . . .
CNN To Host Town Hall On LGBT Issues In October  "The announcement came at the end of the network’s seven-hour environmental town hall, where Democratic presidential candidates fielded questions about their various proposals to combat climate change."

California’s Newsom signs bill allowing citizens to refuse to help a police officer

Sen. Hertzog thought the law enacted in 1872 was used to catch runaway slaves...Slavery was abolished in the USA in 1865. Never let history and facts cloud your agenda.  Comment to this post:
@GavinNewsom Great job! Let's encourage people NOT to help police! What are you going to do when the death of a police officer could've been prevented? Not a thing! You should be ashamed of yourself! I BACK THE BLUE, wish you did!
Fox News  A comment to this post reads:
"The Sacramento Bee reported that the old law, the California Posse Comitatus Act of 1872, was common in the country’s early days, but Sen. Bob Hertzberg, a Los Angeles Democrat who sponsored the bill, called the old law a “vestige of a bygone era." The law was employed to help catch runaway slaves, the report said."Better read history, California did not have an escaped slave problem, the Emancipation Proclamation was January 1863, and the 13th Amendment was ratified in 1865, seven years prior to the the Act of 1872.The justification and explanation simply exposes a blatant lie and ignorance.

Why do we want the CNN/ Democrat party to govern our lives?
Democrats' 2020 game plan  . . . "Julián Castro has come out in favor of banning conservative ideas from public schools, presumably to increase the rate of successful indoctrination in Marxist, Islamofascist, and other diabolical ideologies.  One can be sure that the other Democrat presidential candidates are slapping their foreheads for not having suggested it before.
"And at some point in their game plan, the Democrat presidential candidates all must have at least a sketch for the extermination of opponents of their socialist agenda, after having confiscated their guns.  After all, that is what socialists do." . . .
2020 Dems: We’ll Do Anything to Stop Climate Change, but We Won’t Do That
"Nuclear power, clean and carbon-free, is taboo for the major candidates"
Gruesome Twosome: This Is How Bad CNN And MSNBC Overreacted To Trump’s Hurricane Dorian Map

CNN’s Town Hall on Climate Change Revealed More Than Intended  "Since the 1970s, the Democratic Party has promoted climate alarmism in one way or another. In the '70s and '80s, the earth was cooling, and we were going to be a giant ice ball floating in the universe. Along came the '90s and the left realized that was not working, so they shifted to global warming, which was another lie. The '90s came and went with no substantial proof of warming so the phrase climate change was created for the scare tactic. The last 40-plus years are not about the environment, and the CNN climate change town hall proved it." . . .
Now, remember how Democrats start. First, they mention something radical as a suggestion. They allow the initial uproar to settle down, then bring it up again only to let that uproar phase-out. After doing this a few times, people become numb to it, and that is when the once-radical idea becomes routine and part of the Democratic platform. 
. . .  The Democratic Party is corrupt, immoral and un-American. " . . .
(Emphasis mine, TD)

Marianne Williamson: ‘I Didn’t Think the Left Lied like This’  “ 'I know this sounds naive. I didn’t think the left was so mean. I didn’t think the left lied* like this,” Williamson told the New Yorker’s David Remnick in an interview. “I thought the right did that. I thought we were better.”
"Williamson accused the left of lying about her use of crystals and “crystal gazing,” telling Remnick that there has “never been a crystal on stage” at any of her events and “there is no crystal” in her home.
"She accused those on the left of also falsely accusing her of having told AIDS patients not to take their medicines or implying that “lovelessness” causes diseases and “love” is “enough to cure their diseases.”
“ 'I’m Jewish, I go to the doctor,” Williamson said, ripping those on the left for labeling her as an anti-science candidate who does not believe in modern medicine." . . .

The Lid
*Has she never watched CNN?

NOAA Delivers The Death Blow To The Liberal Media Over Trump's Hurricane Dorian Map Controversy

Townhall  "That’s it, folks. In another bout with the liberal media, President Trump has emerged victorious. Over the couple days, networks have been going berserk over a minor map controversy. President Trump showed a map of Hurricane Dorian’s projected path that included Alabama possibly being impacted. It changed course, as a lot of storms do from time to time. It’s not working its way up the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, but “sharpiegate” was borne(sp) nonetheless (via Roll Call):
CNN couldn’t even find Alabama on a map, believing the state to be Mississippi in graphics. Oh, and they even said that Alabama could be impacted by Dorian, so yeah—you should feel bad for the fake news media, not Donald Trump. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released a statement today saying that they told the Trump White House that Hurricane Dorian could impact Alabama, which at the time was a major hurricane:  .  .  .
Trumped: NOAA backs president on Alabama storm news  "The leftist media’s latest uncontrolled episode of Trump Derangement Syndrome is evident in the ongoing 6-day coverage of the President’s Hurricane-Dorian-to-hit-Alabama warning on Sunday, in spite of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) backing Trump in a statement that disavowed the National Weather Service’s Birmingham, Alabama, office that had contradicted him." . . .

. . . "An adviser to Trump released a statement explaining the whole episode, but that didn’t stop CNN and MSNBC beclowning themselves for combined two-plus hours of coverage (via Newsbusters):" . . .

America's theologian Pastor Pete Buttigieg Defends Abortion by Suggesting the Bible Says ‘Life Begins with Breath’

But when it comes to abortion, he of the unswerving moral compass thus far has fallen silent, repeatedly demurring on whether it’s ever appropriate to limit abortion legally on moral or religious grounds. That is, until today.  . . .
 National Review  "In an interview this morning on The Breakfast Club radio show, South Bend mayor and Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg attempted to rationalize his support for legal abortion until birth by suggesting that perhaps human life begins at the moment of a child’s first breath. Here’s what he said:
[Pro-life people] hold everybody in line with this one piece of doctrine about abortion, which is obviously a tough issue for a lot of people to think through morally. Then again, there’s a lot of parts of the Bible that talk about how life begins with breath. Even that is something that we can interpret differently. . . . No matter what you think about the cosmic question of how life begins, most Americans can get on board with the idea of, ‘I might draw the here. You might draw the line there.’ The most important thing is the person who should be drawing the line is the woman making the decision. [Emphasis added.]
"It’s the latest salvo in a long string of attempts by Buttigieg to paint his entire progressive agenda as the only acceptable set of policies for a moral Christian, insisting that a proper interpretation of Christianity will “point you in a progressive direction.” Time and again, the mayor — who considers himself a faithful Episcopalian — has derided Republicans and conservative Christians for their supposed hypocrisy and immorality, while proclaiming the objective moral correctness of his own policy prescriptions." . . .

Buttigieg Calls Climate Change a ‘Moral’ Issue, Says a ‘Reckoning’ Is Coming for Republicans  "During yesterday evening’s climate-change town hall, South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg pulled out one of his favorite rhetorical tricks: insisting that it’s immoral not to support his preferred progressive policies. Here’s part of what he had to say about this  . . . :"
In other words, if you’re a real Christian, you’d better be a progressive — and more specifically, you’d better get on board with Mayor Pete’s policy proposals. This common refrain also has led Buttigieg throughout the campaign to outright condemn Republicans as insufficiently Christian, and even as moral hypocrites.
. . .

Defiant Pete Buttigieg Insists Presidential Campaign Is Worth Killing the Planet

"Meanwhile, Beto takes the bus in desperate plea for attention".

. . . Instead, he appears on national television to suggest that people who could never afford private air travel but nevertheless insist on eating hamburgers and using plastic straws are "part of the problem." . . .

Friday, September 6, 2019

Amid Facile Reports of Chaos, Prudent U.S. Strategy Emerges

An additional positive development, if it happens, would be the defection of the U.K. from the European Union, always a somewhat anti-American organization, for closer relations with the United States and Canada.
Conrad Black
                   Trump’s geopolitical strategy follows respected and successful American tradition

"Almost imperceptibly, as political discourse continues to be a discordant contest between haters and admirers of President Trump with no journalistic distinction between comment and reporting, there has been substantial progress toward an improved strategic environment for the United States and the West generally.
"Journalists in general and the American media in particular have never been especially adept at separating good causes from grand strategy. Even venerated commentators such as Walter Lippmann and Edward R. Murrow, let alone Walter Cronkite, tended not to see geopolitical questions outside their apparent moral effects.
"In the Battle of Britain, for example, it was naturally easier to explain in terms that one country that was a dictatorship and engaged in frightful acts of racial discrimination while bombing the civilian population of a democracy. Therefore, for that reason alone, most Americans identified with the victim and supported them over the author of the aggression, regardless of strategic calculation.
"But apart from Franklin D. Roosevelt, who certainly possessed the same instinct to support the underdog, it was not clear to many Americans—except a few specialists, such as the young George Kennan—that if Nazi Germany retained control of what it then occupied, (Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria, most of France, most of Poland, and the Czechs), and retained it for a whole generation so that the occupied population was effectively Germanized, that entity would be more populous and as powerful as the United States. Few saw that such a greater Nazi Germany, surrounded by satellites like Vichy France, fascist Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, and sympathetic states like Franco’s Spain, would be a mortal danger to the preeminence of the United States." . . .
All of these are legitimate and prudent strategic actions of the United States. Some are original, some had been abandoned by previous administrations, and some had been ineffectively pursued. All are complicated international issues that can only gradually be resolved. But they are all in progress and all have progressed appreciably. These are facts easily lost sight of in such a febrile and over-strenuous pre-electoral campaign as this.

Today's look at Joe Biden

Former Obama Adviser: Biden ‘Serially’ Distorts Own Record  . . . "Biden claimed in a recent NPR interview that he only voted to authorize President George W. Bush to use military force because Bush promised him it was only about getting weapons inspectors into Iraq. Biden claimed that once "shock and awe" began, he came out against the war.
"NPR reported that Biden's claim was false:

But in multiple public remarks made after the invasion began in 2003, Biden openly supported the effort. Biden publicly said his vote was a mistake as early as 2005, but not immediately when the war began in 2003.
"Biden has also taken heat after the Washington Post reported a story he often tells about pinning a war medal on a Navy captain was false in almost every detail. He dismissed criticism in his interview with NPR." . . .

Colbert Asks Biden: Would You Appoint Obama to Supreme Court?  "Of course Colbert has long served as the loudest late night mouthpiece for the left."

Joe Biden Stays ahead of the Pack in Latest Democratic Polls  . . . "A survey from The Economist/YouGov, also out this Wednesday, tells a slightly less optimistic tale for Biden, showing the former vice president with just a four-point lead over Warren. Biden comes in at 26 percent, Warren at 22, and Sanders in a more distant third place with 14. Though he has consistently held the frontrunner position since entering the race in April, at this stage of the race it seems that Biden is largely being buoyed by the fact that the voters looking for an alternative are splitting their support between two progressive candidates." . . .

We have seen video of Biden trashing this economy under Trump. Then we see Biden and Obama wanting to claim credit for the great economic upswing....
Economists agree: Trump, not Obama, gets credit for economy  . . . "Trump and Obama (and their admirers) are slugging it out, both claiming that it is their policies that have led to the ongoing economic expansion, steady job growth and higher stock prices.
"Happily for President Trump, the pros agree with him. A recent survey of economists suggest it is President Trump, and not Obama, who should be taking a bow.
"The Wall Street Journal asked 68 business, financial and academic economists who was responsible for the strengthening of the economy, and most “suggested Mr. Trump’s election deserves at least some credit” for the upturn. " . . .

Tony Branco

I guess you can say anything against black Republicans. UPDATED

Silvio Canto, Jr.  Over the last few days, Debra Messing has made a fool of herself.

"First, she floated the idea of "blacklisting" people in Hollywood for supporting President Trump.  As I recall, the Left used to call that "McCarthyism"!
"And then she dug a deeper hole by taking a shot at blacks who vote Republican:
"Debra Messing regrets pushing sign calling black Trump voters mentally ill, calls out GOP 'voter suppression'
"Okay — so Debra is sorry.  Let's accept her apology.
"Of course, the real issue is why she was thinking such a thing in the first place.
"It shows that many of these "white liberals" really don't know a thing about the state of black America, from the lousy public schools that the Obamas & Clintons & Gores & Kerrys did not send their kids to crime and lousy quality of life in these inner-city districts run by Democrats.
"Can you blame blacks for looking at a second opinion?  How many times are they supposed to take their car to the same mechanic who won't fix their car?
"In other words, a black American who'd consider voting differently is a thinking man rather than stupid.  He is looking at results not ideology!
"Messing is another exhibit of just how much these people hate President Trump.  In fact, they hate him so much that they've lost their common sense.
"Yes, NBC should say something, but it probably won't!" 

Update: Candace Owens Rips Debra Messing: 'You Hold a Racist View of Black Americans'  
"When Will & Grace actress Debra Messing accused the Republican Party of trying to suppress African-Americans' votes, popular conservative activist Candace Owen struck back. Republicans aren't racist, Messing is, Owens argued.
Candace Owens
"One of the most annoying characteristics of modern liberals is that they accuse everybody of racism. Even if you have never treated anyone with a different skin color badly, they say that you're still racist; you just don't know about it. Oh yes, we whites all suffer from subconscious racism. Or whatever they call it. They only exception are, of course, white liberals. Unlike all other whites, they are pure of heart and absolutely not racist.
"Debra Messing is one of those pathetic little liberals who constantly plays the racist card. Oh yes, she argues, every single person who is not outspokenly supportive of the Democratic Party must be racist. As for the Republican Party? That's simply the new KKK.
Just take a look at this ridiculous tweet from Madame Messing:" . . .

This Week from the Ministry of Disinformation; anti-Trump update

Added by TD
Taylor Day  . . . "Why the discrepancy between critics and viewers?  Well, Dave Chappelle's stand-up poked fun of all the things that the Left holds dear and believes cannot be mocked.  News outlets like Newsweek and Vice tried their best to eviscerate the comedian's performance on the grounds that Rotten Tomatoes rated it so low, never mentioning that the audience ratings were so high.  Vice even told people not to watch it for themselves in the headline "You Can Definitely Skip Dave Chappelle's New Netflix Special" and went on to call it misogynistic and transphobic, in typical Vice fashion.

The Alabama weather map
"President Trump has been accused by the liberal media this week of...attempting to minimize damages that Alabama may face as a result of being a gulf state during a hurricane.  As Hurricane Dorian was headed for Florida, the president made precautions and disclosed some with the free press, including keeping emergency services reserved for Alabama.
"The Left shot back, claiming that no weatherman ever predicted that scenario.  When President Trump presented his own evidence, CNN boldly went on air calling the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's own report "doctored.' " . . .

. . . 
No, Trump did not congratulate Poland for Nazi invasion
A gross headline by The Washington Post reads, "Trump congratulates Poland as it commemorates Nazi invasion" and insinuates that the president is sending accolades to Poland for being outmuscled by the Nazis in the 1930s.  The president was asked on Sunday a few questions from the media about his canceling of the scheduled trip to Poland as Hurricane Dorian approached.

UPDATE: Here it comes; wait for it...

MSNBC: Trump’s Hurricane Map Could Lead To His Impeachment…
Who are you and what have you done with Bill Kristol?

Thursday, September 5, 2019

CNN's #ClimateTownHall Does the Nation a Great Service

PJ Media

"Did you watch any of the CNN #ClimateTownHall and Democrat telethon Wednesday night? If you didn't, congratulations! You are a smart and normal human being.

"If you did, you saw a spectacle the likes of which we can only hope CNN or MSNBC repeats again very soon. Because it was an awful, terrible, no good night for the Democrats.

"Some ways in I took a break from enjoying my life to tune in and caught Sen. Amy Klobuchar opining on fossil fuels and the economy. Frankly, I'd thought she already dropped out of the race, but there she was. The RCP average has her at 0 in the polls, and she has 0 on the charisma scale and 0 knowledge of how our economy works. The Minnesota senator, who has zero path to the nomination, went all-in on the Democratic Party's belief that now is the time to destroy America's energy dominance and double down on a whole lot of bad ideas. She promoted "environmental justice," by which she meant destroying our thriving economy and kicking you, American voter, out of your job." . . .

General Mattis on Obama

Consider the lineup of Democrat candidates today; which of them do you see as standing up to America's enemies? Below are excerpts only and the full story is at the links provided.

Mattis: Obama Failed to Respond to Iran Bomb Plot on U.S. Soil Because of Nuclear Deal  "After the surprise resignation of Secretary of Defense James Mattis last December, Democrats were quick to politicize the news, and have certainly been hoping ever since that Mattis would provide them with new information they could use to attack Donald Trump. He does have a memoir coming out, Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead, but it looks like it’s Barack Obama and Joe Biden who get the bulk of the criticism.
"Prior be being Secretary of Defense under Trump, Mattis served as commander of U.S. Central Command under Obama and Biden. Mattis had predicted that Iran would continue to provoke the United States. Mattis’s warning went ignored, and when Iran committed an act of war on American soil, he was not told about it, and the United States never responded to it
. . .
"Mattis writes, “Had the bomb gone off, those in the restaurant and on the street would have been ripped apart, blood rushing down sewer drains. It would have been the worst attack on us since 9/11. I sensed that only Iran’s impression of America’s impotence could have led them to risk such an act within a couple of miles of the White House, Absent one fundamental mistake — the terrorists had engaged an undercover DEA agent in an attempt to smuggle the bomb — the Iranians would have pulled off this devastating attack. Had that bomb exploded, it would have changed history.” 
"In response to the plot, Mattis believed a forceful reaction was necessary. “I believed we had to respond forcefully. My military options would raise the cost for this attack beyond anything the mullahs and the Qods generals could pay.” But, Obama wasn’t interested. “We treated an act of war as a law enforcement violation, jailing the low-level courier.”
"Why didn’t Obama want a forceful response to the act of war by Iran? His secret nuclear deal."
. . . 
“In my view, we had to hold Iran to account and strike back when attacked. But there was a reason for the administration’s restraint. The administration was secretly negotiating with Iran, although I was not privy to the details at the time.”
"Those negotiations would lead to the Iran nuclear deal, signed in 2015. Mattis is critical of the agreement, which President Trump withdrew from last year. “In my military judgment, America had undertaken a poorly calculated, long-shot gamble. At the same time, the administration was lecturing our Arab friends that they had to accommodate Iran as if it were a moderate neighbor in the region and not an enemy committed to their destruction,” Mattis writes. “As long as its leaders consider Iran less a nation-state than a revolutionary cause, Iran will remain a terrorist threat potentially more dangerous than Al Qaeda or ISIS.” . . .