Saturday, September 7, 2019

NOAA Delivers The Death Blow To The Liberal Media Over Trump's Hurricane Dorian Map Controversy

Townhall  "That’s it, folks. In another bout with the liberal media, President Trump has emerged victorious. Over the couple days, networks have been going berserk over a minor map controversy. President Trump showed a map of Hurricane Dorian’s projected path that included Alabama possibly being impacted. It changed course, as a lot of storms do from time to time. It’s not working its way up the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, but “sharpiegate” was borne(sp) nonetheless (via Roll Call):
CNN couldn’t even find Alabama on a map, believing the state to be Mississippi in graphics. Oh, and they even said that Alabama could be impacted by Dorian, so yeah—you should feel bad for the fake news media, not Donald Trump. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released a statement today saying that they told the Trump White House that Hurricane Dorian could impact Alabama, which at the time was a major hurricane:  .  .  .
Trumped: NOAA backs president on Alabama storm news  "The leftist media’s latest uncontrolled episode of Trump Derangement Syndrome is evident in the ongoing 6-day coverage of the President’s Hurricane-Dorian-to-hit-Alabama warning on Sunday, in spite of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) backing Trump in a statement that disavowed the National Weather Service’s Birmingham, Alabama, office that had contradicted him." . . .

. . . "An adviser to Trump released a statement explaining the whole episode, but that didn’t stop CNN and MSNBC beclowning themselves for combined two-plus hours of coverage (via Newsbusters):" . . .

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