Saturday, September 7, 2019

America's theologian Pastor Pete Buttigieg Defends Abortion by Suggesting the Bible Says ‘Life Begins with Breath’

But when it comes to abortion, he of the unswerving moral compass thus far has fallen silent, repeatedly demurring on whether it’s ever appropriate to limit abortion legally on moral or religious grounds. That is, until today.  . . .
 National Review  "In an interview this morning on The Breakfast Club radio show, South Bend mayor and Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg attempted to rationalize his support for legal abortion until birth by suggesting that perhaps human life begins at the moment of a child’s first breath. Here’s what he said:
[Pro-life people] hold everybody in line with this one piece of doctrine about abortion, which is obviously a tough issue for a lot of people to think through morally. Then again, there’s a lot of parts of the Bible that talk about how life begins with breath. Even that is something that we can interpret differently. . . . No matter what you think about the cosmic question of how life begins, most Americans can get on board with the idea of, ‘I might draw the here. You might draw the line there.’ The most important thing is the person who should be drawing the line is the woman making the decision. [Emphasis added.]
"It’s the latest salvo in a long string of attempts by Buttigieg to paint his entire progressive agenda as the only acceptable set of policies for a moral Christian, insisting that a proper interpretation of Christianity will “point you in a progressive direction.” Time and again, the mayor — who considers himself a faithful Episcopalian — has derided Republicans and conservative Christians for their supposed hypocrisy and immorality, while proclaiming the objective moral correctness of his own policy prescriptions." . . .

Buttigieg Calls Climate Change a ‘Moral’ Issue, Says a ‘Reckoning’ Is Coming for Republicans  "During yesterday evening’s climate-change town hall, South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg pulled out one of his favorite rhetorical tricks: insisting that it’s immoral not to support his preferred progressive policies. Here’s part of what he had to say about this  . . . :"
In other words, if you’re a real Christian, you’d better be a progressive — and more specifically, you’d better get on board with Mayor Pete’s policy proposals. This common refrain also has led Buttigieg throughout the campaign to outright condemn Republicans as insufficiently Christian, and even as moral hypocrites.
. . .

Defiant Pete Buttigieg Insists Presidential Campaign Is Worth Killing the Planet

"Meanwhile, Beto takes the bus in desperate plea for attention".

. . . Instead, he appears on national television to suggest that people who could never afford private air travel but nevertheless insist on eating hamburgers and using plastic straws are "part of the problem." . . .

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