BREAKING UPDATE: Despite BOTH Donald Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence issuing statements on Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Assassination, neither Joe Biden or Kamala Harris have provided any statement in any form.
. . ." Update: Joe has finally come out with a canned statement, using the occasion of Abe's death, to shill against gun violence, as if Japan were just an oversized Chicago. Once again, highly inappropriate -- Japan has gun control and it's not a matter of "too many guns" on the streets of Nara. It's a freak who makes his own gun, which renders the gun control argument irrelevant and certainly is insulting to the occasion in Japan. Twitchy has the scoop on the statement here.
"Meanwhile, over in Great Britain, a prime minister was thrown out after less than three years in office, over a series of petty scandals. Yes, he seems to have brought this on himself through his reckless behavior, but it's still a sad story. Britain, after all, is America's top ally, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson worked closely and cordially with senile old Joe through his short tenure in office. He was the first to recognize Joe's presidency and congratulate the old dotard back before the ballots were even counted.
"Joe's response, according to the New York Post, was this:". . .