Friday, July 2, 2010

The decreasing relevancy of Obama's presidency

American Thinker  " Almost no one now listens to him, and of those who do, fewer still believe him or take him seriously. The Euros rejected his calls for more stimulus to their economies, recognizing what he apparently does not, that they and we are in danger of all collapsing under the weight of excessive spending. They told him to stuff it." Tony Gallardo

Barack Obama Is Making Me Laugh "But looking back after the Gulf oil spill, it is clear that Bush did a damn fine job, considering the Democratic opposition he had to work with in Louisiana. The Democratic state of Louisiana failed abysmally. The “chocolate city” mayor Ray Nagin refused to evacuate. The fact is that the loss of life and the destruction wrought by Hurricane Katrina was glaring proof of the failure of the welfare state, a.k.a. the Democrats’ statism model. It was a Democrat mayor, a Democrat governor, and a Democrat political machine in Louisiana that were responsible for the lack of action, response and coordination of pre- and post-Katrina efforts (and to ABC’s surprise, Katrina victims praised Bush and blamed Nagin).  The surrounding Republican states suffered horribly from Katrina and Rita, but you never heard about them."   Pamela Geller, editor and publisher of the Atlas Shrugs website and is former associate publisher of the New York Observer.

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