Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Conservatives, Forever on Trial (Updated)

Brent Bozell  in Townhall  "The bias is so thick out there you can step in it. But it shouldn't be forgotten that all this biased sludge obscures the real picture of a wave election. When networks like NBC are mortified that a man they would typically ignore like Paladino might just deny Andrew Cuomo his daddy's mantle in New York, that means the polls are really, terribly bad out there for Democrats."

CNN’s Bold New Strategy to Win Over the Heartland: Guests Who Bash Sarah Palin  "The  show "Parker Spitzer"  debuted on CNN Monday, and I think one strategy to increase ratings is to have on at least one leftist a night who is thrown the “Sarah Palin” bait and letting the lib-in-question go into a feeding frenzy of name calling."

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