Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Terrorist Speaks

Powerline blog  ""No propaganda purpose"? I don't understand that claim. No doubt every pro-terrorist news outlet in the Muslim world will hail Shahzad as a hero, quote his words in open court, and urge other Muslims to follow his example. Was that not, in fact, the principal intended audience for his self-justification? The Obama administration needs to get over the idea that every time a terrorist is caught it is America's system of justice, not the terrorist, that is on trial."

“Defensive” Jihad Is In the Eye of the Beholder "... it does not matter if those Muslims are wrong about Islam. What matters is that there are a lot of them and they constitute a mainstream current of Islamic thought. They have the support of influential Islamic scholars who tell them Islam is under siege, and they don’t care in the slightest whether Western intellectuals (at whom they scoff) or Muslim reformers (whom they regard as apostates) think they have interpreted Islam incorrectly." Andy McCarthy in National Review

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