Saturday, November 13, 2010

Health Care in a Free Society (Updated)

Imprimus, Feb. 2010  "Americans understand that the problems facing our health care system today, real as they are, can be addressed without nationalizing one-sixth of the American economy and moving us past the tipping point toward a European-style social welfare state. They know that we can solve these problems while at the same time remaining a free society and acting consistently with the principles that have made us the greatest and most prosperous nation on earth. It is our duty now as their representatives to come together and do so."  Paul Ryan, Member, U.S. House of Representatives

Did the Dems pass Obamacare for 8,000 people? "Mr. Obama declared at the time that "uninsured Americans who've been locked out of the insurance market because of a pre-existing condition will now be able to enroll in a new national insurance pool where they'll finally be able to purchase quality, affordable health care-some for the very first time in their lives."
"So far that statement accurately describes a single person in North Dakota."...  Rick Moran

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