Friday, January 14, 2011

Hypocrisy, the Liberal God

Russ Vaughn "For every niggling example of conservative excitement to violence through political rhetoric there are multiple liberal transgressions where the vitriol and exhortations to violence are simply unmistakable or open to any mitigating interpretation. They don't tiptoe around the issue; they come right out and advocate murder and mayhem. Lest any liberal challenge me here, which I welcome and will gladly substantiate with example after example, I rest my case on this: "...

Massacre, followed by libel  "Furthermore, the available evidence dates Loughner's fixation on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords to at least 2007, when he attended a town hall of hers and felt slighted by her response. In 2007, no one had heard of Sarah Palin. Glenn Beck was still toiling on Headline News. There was no Tea Party or health-care reform. The only climate of hate was the pervasive post-Iraq campaign of vilification of George W. Bush, nicely captured by a New Republic editor who had begun an article thus: "I hate  President George W. Bush. There, I said it." " Charles Krauthammer

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