Friday, June 15, 2012

Obama has spoken -and spoken and spoken; Thursday and Friday

Obama tells celebs, "You're the ultimate arbiter of which direction this country goes."  And they just beam at him (Sarah Jessica  Parker,photo) 
"If you thought yesterday's campaign reboot in the form of a major economic address was the worst speech President Obama gave last night, you would be mistaken."

Our Plagiarizing President  "A Danish TV network compiled a hilarious list of the number of times Barack Obama has recycled phrases when describing foreign leaders and nations. It is an insult to those leaders and the people of those nations that our President does not even bother  to address them as individuals and unique (one might say "exceptional" nations). 
"He is on autopilot - just going through the motions, reading "cut and pasted" lines on the teleprompter."

Oh my - Dana Milbank tells Obama to 'skip the falsehoods' and give us a plan    "...Dana Milbank of the Washington Post is always a good bellweather for how Obama is playing on the left, and his column today is a scorcher aimed at President Obama.  
"Milbank didn't mince any words when writing about the president's speech [Thursday]"

RNC Video: From Reboot to Replay  "...the RNC took elements of Obama's speech yesterday and went back to a previous Obama speech and took identical phrases and sentences and sandwiched them back-to-back to illustrate: It's tired. It's old. It's worn out. It's the same old teleprompter. It's nothing new.  Stale, old, rotten, just typically antiquated.  So I have the audio of this, and when you hear the same things -- when you hear Obama say the same thing twice -- understand that once was in Cleveland yesterday. The other was in a previous speech this year."  Via Rush Limbaugh    Obama built this speech up as something significant and the press bought it, but it was nothing more than reading the same old speech, almost word-for-word.

Small President, Small Man  "President Obama’s penchant for blaming everyone but himself for his administration’s failures (pre-eminently George W. Bush, of course) has made him something of a laughingstock. He has, of course, a serious problem: his record is too poor for him to talk about it, and he has no plans for his second term other than more of the same. So he defaults to the blame game."  Power Line
Neal Boortz on Obama's speech Thursday: Caesar Obammus’ speech yesterday was a light version of his speech in Osawatomie last December.  "Telling a bank that after they spend hundreds of millions of dollars to create networks for debit card sales what they can and cannot charge merchants for transactions, instead of letting marketplace competition handle the issue, isn’t eliminating MOST regulations.  Telling a landowner that he can’t cover a wet spot in his subdivision back yard because it violates wetland regulations is NOT an attempt to eliminate most regulations." 
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

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