Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day
 Heritage; Does the Declaration of Independence Still Matter?   "The Declaration of Independence was partly intended as a list of grievances against a distant monarch. And both George III and the colonists who disagreed with his rule are long dead. But so are many of those who’ve argued that the Declaration is obsolete. In fact, this is exactly what those who called themselves “progressives” were saying a century ago."

Here's one I wish I had seen sooner:
Hillsdale College; "Read the Declaration” campaign
"This 4th of July, Hillsdale College wants you to join with your friends, family, and neighbors - and actually read the Declaration of Independence. This can be the largest-ever public reading of the Declaration in American history! We want hundreds of thousands, even millions, of Americans setting aside a few minutes to remember the legacy of liberty our Founders entrusted to us."

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