Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Texas Voter ID Law challenge

Texas Voter ID on Life Support  "Other states can learn a lesson from what is happening in a Washington, D.C., courtroom to the Texas Voter ID law.  Take as much time as you need to prepare the case.  Keep the constitutional challenge close in time to the trial on the merits.  Don’t generate statistical data that hurt your case.  And most of all, be prepared to wage war in a battle of experts.  Otherwise the burden shift of Section 5 will be the undoing of other state Voter ID laws."

Texas Photo-ID Law Vetted For Voter Bias In U.S. Trial  "The Obama administration’s claim that Texas’s voter identification law will keep blacks and Hispanics away from the polls this November will be tested in a week-long federal trial that started today in Washington."

Texas officials defend voter ID law, citing votes cast by felons, corpses  "A Texas elections official, Brian Ingram, testified that felons, non-citizens and those declared dead have voted in past elections, including the May primaries.
" “It’s more common than we thought – and it’s troubling,” Ingram said."

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