Thursday, July 12, 2012

Two more urban legends to discuss

Obama and the "D-Day Monument" Only 3 Times...Only 3 (Link to Snopes, which calls it false)
In all the years since D-Day 1945, there are three occasions when a president failed to go to the D-Day Monument that honors the soldiers killed during the Invasion. Only Three Times.
The occasions were:
1. Barack Obama 2010
2. Barack Obama 2011
3. Barack Obama 2012
The Tunnel Wall covered these rumors a month ago

False: "Starbucks does not support the war, nor anyone in it, and that they would not send the troops their brand of coffee."

Also refuted at TruthOrFiction and it includes this apology from Sgt Wright, who wrote the original rumor:

Almost 5 months ago I sent an e-mail to you my faithful friends.  I did a wrong thing that needs to be cleared up. I heard by word of mouth about how Starbucks said they didn't support the war and all.  I was having enough of that kind of talk and didn't do my research properly like I should have.  This is not true.  Starbucks supports men and women in uniform. They have personally contacted me and I have been sent many copies of their company's policy on this issue.  So I apologize for this quick and wrong letter that I sent out to you. 

This column by Snopes does discuss another e-rumor about one Starbucks store charging 9-11 rescue workers $130 for three cases of water: True: Starbucks charged 9-11 rescue workers $130 for three cases of water It was later corrected by Starbucks, but done rather poorly.

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