Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Implications of Obama’s Victory

The Volokh Conspiracy  "Obama’s reelection will likely have at least two major negative consequences from my point of view. First, Obamacare is likely to stay in place. Although it remains somewhat unpopular – as shown the by the president’s reluctance to bring it up in the campaign – he is going to hold onto it successfully. Second, Obama will get to replace any Supreme Court justices who retire or pass away during the next four years. With four justices in their mid to late seventies right now, there’s a real chance he will get at least one or two more nominations. All conservatives and libertarians can do is hope that Justices Anthony Kennedy (76 years old) and Antonin Scalia (also 76) will remain healthy and uninterested in retiring."

William A. Jacobson; Dunkirk  "So what is the path now?  Stand with House members, they will need all the support they can get. Don’t compromise on principles, and push the eventual legislative compromises to the right as much as possible.
"View Tuesday as a substantial setback but not the end."
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Michael Barone says the country is no longer culturally cohesive.  "Now the two Americas disagree, sharply. Government decisions enthuse one and enrage the other. The election may be over, but the two Americas are still not on speaking terms."

Thomas Sowell; Obama’s contempt for American constitutional democracy.   "The 14th Amendment to the Constitution provides for “equal protection of the laws” for all Americans. To have a law that can cost an organization millions of dollars a year either apply or not apply, depending on the whim or political interest of the president of the United States, is to make a mockery of the rule of law.
...."What does your right of freedom of speech mean if saying something that irritates the Obama administration means that you or your business has to pay huge amounts of money and get hit with all sorts of red tape under Obamacare while your competitor is exempted from it because he either kept quiet or praised the Obama administration or donated to its reelection campaign?"

With first post-racial president reelected, ‘F**k white people’ trends  "We’ll dedicate this post to Mark Ruffalo, who declared an Obama reelection a victory over bigotry and racial hatred. These certainly aren’t representative of all Obama supporters out there, and we’re guessing some of them are sarcastic, but there were enough of them to get a trend going, sadly."
Obscenity and racial bigotry spoken here, so be advised. This is how victorious Democrats speak.
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
Lets do this one again
Five ways the mainstream media tipped the scales in favor of Obama   "Given Obama’s record, the Romney campaign could have overcome much of this media favoritism and still prevailed — indeed, they almost did. But taken together, these five trends took the media’s historical bias to new levels this year, and saved Obama’s presidency in the process."

Forbes; American Voters Choose Obama To Lead Us - Down The Road To Ruin  "Despite a good look at the bankruptcy of entitlement democracy playing out across the euro zone, Americans have gone to the polls demanding to join the death spiral. Offered a clear choice, the promise of free stuff vanquished our abandoned  heritage of freedom."

Jennifer Rubin has these thoughts:  "As for President Obama he’ll need to do what he didn’t in the first term: address our fiscal mess, reform entitlements and the tax code and deal with foreign threats in a responsible manner. As Americans we should hope he’s learned something and will surprise us with newfound moderation and courage. If not, we’re in for a very rocky time."

Michelle Malkin; Obama gets his “revenge,” but conservatives must stand tall "My counsel to you tonight: Please, do not be bitter. Do not fall prey to the Beltway blame game. Do not get mired in small things. Do not become vengeful creatures like our political opponents who voted out of spite instead of love of country."

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