Wednesday, November 7, 2012

One Thousand and One Articles Later: Why Obama Should be Voted Out of Office Today

This falls under the heading, "Now You Tell Me!", being written early on election day. Maybe it can still be forwarded on to those you know who are gloating over the election.

Barry Rubin  "I have written about how this administration has supported the bad guys — with guns and diplomatic help — in Syria, those who want to turn the country into an anti-American Islamic republic. About how the nation’s leaders believe that helping just about every Islamist group except al-Qaeda is a great idea because they will be moderate and good friends of America.

"Then there’s the disgraceful Benghazi incident where, whatever the precise details, the White House stood by as Americans were murdered, and then rationalized the motive of the terrorists by blaming the United States. Benghazi is the perfect symbol for Obama Middle East policy – I’ve explained why apology, appeasement, flattery, and empathy won’t work in turning radicals and terrorists into moderates.
"And whitewashing and helping five regimes or movements that call for hating America, murdering its citizens, destroying its interests, and even — albeit more fancifully — destroying the United States qualifies as sufficient in my book to laugh at any assertion that such a president is “good” for America.

"Obama’s policies have placed the lives of Americans and Israelis in jeopardy, as well as the citizens of many other countries, and made war more likely. For the first time in many decades, Israel cannot depend on the U.S. government. Neither can a dozen Arabic-speaking states that have relied on U.S. support. Neither can Middle Eastern pro-democracy advocates, moderates, secularists, women, and Christians. Neither can Americans.
"Something should be done about that. And today is the day to do it."
  But it was not to be. Sad, so sad for America and for civilized nations surrounded by by Muslim nations who have vowed their destruction.

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