Thursday, December 6, 2012

The media and the administration gang up on conservatives

'2016' Oscar Snub Has Filmmakers Claiming Political Bias "Gerald Molen, who produced the Academy Award-winning 'Schindler's List,' said the box-office success of the anti-Obama documentary proves the film was a hit: "The action confirms my opinion that the bias against anything from a conservative point of view is dead on arrival in Hollywood." "

Roger L. Simon: Reclaiming the Culture  "As the late — and increasingly lamented — Andrew Breitbart pointed out repeatedly, “Politics is downstream from culture.”
"Just how downstream we saw in this year’s election. Virtually every accusation made by the left toward Republicans and conservatives (sexism, racism, greed, etc.) was prepared and nurtured in the realm of culture. That was the earth in which the lies grew and prospered. And those lies, more than any facts or policies, were responsible for a liberal victory in a year — with unemployment at 8 percent and a deficit at 16 trillion — that should have been a Republican rout."
Emphasis added.
Mr. Simon also links us to the Ron Radosh column:  It’s the Culture, Stupid: Facing the Long Road Ahead, excerpted below:
Imagine how many television viewers, many of whom know virtually nothing about how we got to where we are, will learn from this expertly edited documentary how and why the United States is basically an evil nation, on the wrong course, and supported the wrong side in all foreign policy crises throughout its modern history. We cannot disregard the effect this kind of miseducation has on the knowledge of our fellow citizens. Do you wonder why the polls show that most Americans think Barack Obama’s foreign policy the past four years was successful? It is because they are a generation educated from “historians” like the late Howard Zinn, political theorists like the linguist Noam Chomsky, and now from filmmaker Stone and his historian co-author, Peter Kuznick.
Democrats’ “Stop or I’ll shoot myself” negotiating strategy working like a charm
"Yet the GOP actually has several aces in the hole – the only reason they are taking the submissive role in the Fifty Shades of the Fiscal Cliff playing out before us is that they chose to assume it. Maybe Obama has a mandate, but so do they. They should be exercising it.

"Their first step is to stop showing fear and to start counter-attacking. "...
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

MSNBC's Scarborough: Can't Expect Obama to be 'Gracious' After Being Treated Like a 'Second Class Citizen'    Is this what came out of that MSNBC-Obama meeting?

Thomas Sowell writes: Obama Plays Chicken  "His priority is to increase government, and he’ll sacrifice the economy for it. ""One of the big advantages that President Obama has, as he plays “chicken” with congressional Republicans along the “fiscal cliff,” is that he is a master of the plausible lie, which will never be exposed by the mainstream media — nor, apparently, by the Republicans."
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
THE TRUE DISCIPLE OF SAUL ALINSKY  "Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s opening bid to Speaker John Boehner, a demand for $1.6 trillion in new taxes, was not meant as a serious offer. It was an ultimatum couched in an insult. Translation:

We won the election. We have the whip hand. Not only are you going to sign on to higher tax rates and higher tax revenues, we are going to rub your Tea Party noses in your coming capitulation.”

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