Friday, July 12, 2013

Charles Krauthammer; A modest GOP agenda for 2013

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
Charles Krauthammer   "Today it’s agreed that Republican obstructionism is the root of all evil — GOP resistance having now escalated to nihilism and indeed sabotage.
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

"Sabotage carries a fine whiff of extralegal, anti-constitutional vandalism. This from media mandarins who barely bat an eyelash when President Obama unilaterally suspends parts of his own health-care law — just as he unilaterally stopped enforcing current immigration laws for 1.7 million young illegal immigrants, thereby enacting by executive order legislation that had failed in Congress. So much for faithfully executing the laws (Article II)."
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Mr. Krauthammer moves on from ObamaCare to other national and world events.

...."U.S. national interests cannot hinge on personal pique. Karzai is both deeply unreliable and terminally ungrateful. But he will be gone one day, as will Obama. The terrorist breeding/training grounds of Afghanistan and Pakistan will remain.
"For four years, the president argued that our strategic interests require a residual presence in Afghanistan in order to prevent a re-establishment of terrorist safe havens in the region.
"Does he still believe this?"
Krauthammer concludes with this challenge to Republicans:
"Oppose further expansion of the entitlement state, reform the tax code, secure the border, demand clarity on Afghanistan. A modest, doable, responsible agenda for 2013.

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