Monday, July 8, 2013

Obama's State Department credibility takes a hit

Psaki's pants on fire  The State Department's new spokeswoman Jen Psaki has sacrificed her own, the State Department, and Secretary of State John Kerry's credibility with her readily proven lying about his whereabouts as the coup in Egypt unfolded. Jennifer Epstein at Politico:....

"Diplomats are supposed to be able to lie, but they have to do it with style and finesse, over matters easily checked. The credibility of all concerned has taken a nosedive, just as the State Department faces very delicate tasks in Egypt."   

Right: "But the State Department said Kerry was not aboard a boat on Wednesday and has spent the day working the phones on Egypt. "Since his plane touched down in Washington at 4 a.m."

The State Department's New Mouthpiece, "Jen Psaki, has a history of serving as Barack Obama's mouthpiece. People will yearn for the days of Victoria Nuland -- who actually had a long bipartisan and impressive career. She has been replaced by a hack.
"Obama's second term even more than his first term has been marked by political hacks being rewarded with plum government jobs. This is true over at the State Department, as well, where Jen Psaki has been given the high profile position as its spokeswoman."

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