Sunday, August 18, 2013

I got him! Bush couldn't do it, but I did!

Hope n' Change   "According to a video interview with presidential body man and alleged "friend with benefits," Reggie Love,  Barack Obama left the situation room during the Seal Team Six raid on Bin Laden's compound, preferring to play Spades. For hours.

"Despite his reelection claims that he pretty much personally put a high hot one through Bin Laden's eyehole, Barry actually told Love " I’m not going to be down there, I can’t watch this entire thing." Nope, not when there are card games to be played."
...."So if President Obama "was this bored by the Bin Laden mission, imagine his complete indifference to a little thing like Benghazi. There are still no reports whatsoever about what the hell he was doing while Americans were dying, although we do know from the tragic results that it was nothing even remotely presidential."....

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