Sunday, November 3, 2013

Reverse the races....

Thomas Lifson  "An arrest has been made in a horrifying crime, but thanks to races of the victim (white) and the perp (black), the national media are burying the story.  As David Paulin summed it up to me:
Black guy murders white guy (in front of white guy's 12-year-old daughter) because white guy's dog sniffed the black guy's pants while white guy was taking his daughter to buy ice cream. Imagine how the media would play this if it had been a white guy who shot a back guy in front of his daughter under similar circumstances.
Rev Al Sharpton condemned the
shooting, er.. wait. No? Sorry,
 guess not.
Comparing this case to that of Trayvon Martin's death reveals a national media double standard when it comes to violence. It sickens me that, in the face of crime statistics revealing a vast disparity in the likelihood of a black being killed by a white, compared to a white being killed by a black, the media actively encourages a counterfactual public perception - that blacks are gunned down by whites more often.
More about this on Chris Matthews' MSNBC show. Well, maybe not.    Full article here.

Is a Race War Occurring?   "Dr. Thomas Sowell, the intellectual juggernaut, recently concluded that a Black and White race war is in effect.  He stated, "Initial skirmishes in that race war have already begun, and have in fact been going on for some years.  But public officials pretend that it is not happening, and the mainstream media seldom publish it at all, except in ways that conceal what is really taking place.' " 
"Undoubtedly, white resistance is surfacing.  I believe that this observation sparked Dr. Sowell's article.  However, this mounting white backlash isn't a violent endeavor; it's an awareness campaign and shedding of white guilt."

White Girl Bleed A Lot': "The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It".   Web site:

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