Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Too bad this Virginia election coverage just now came out

Libertarian con in Virginia governor's race revealed
"It has been revealed that the libertarian candidate for governor in Virginia, who is siphoning votes away from Ken Cuccinelli, was funded by an Obama campaign bundler. Meredith Jessup of the Blaze reports:"...
"This is one of the oldest tricks in the book. Split your opponent's votes with a hopeless candidate. Coming as it does on Election Day, this revelation may be too late."

Taking Issue with McAuliffe and Single-Issue Voters  "McAuliffe's accusations are outlandish to the point of insulting the intelligence of his opponents and supporters.  Claiming your opponent, whom is married with five daughters, is focused on advancing his anti-woman agenda is patently ridiculous."

Ken Cuccinelli’s rough ride may have lessons big and small for the GOP.
"McAuliffe’s campaign did feature a simple theme: “Republicans like Ken Cuccinelli are horrible people.” That may seem like an exaggeration, but McAuliffe has run a disciplined campaign that began by demonizing his opponent, moved on to demonizing his opponent, and then finished by demonizing his opponent."

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