Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sarah Palin: MSNBC ‘despicable’

Lest you call Fox News the right's equivalent to the leftist MSNBC, I have never seen anything remotely like this episode on the former. Certainly, Harris-Perry apologized unequivocally for this segment, but her default position was to mock conservatives coarsely. TD

MSNBC uses Romney grandson in comedy segment
Politico   "Sarah Palin says MSNBC should ashamed of a “despicable” segment in which they mocked Mitt Romney’s adopted black grandson. " “Leftist media hounds are not expressing an opinion with this attack; they are expressing a prejudice that would never be accepted if it came from anyone else but the lib[eral] media,” Palin wrote on her Facebook page in a post accompanying the photo of the Romney family. “This latest attack from the Left is despicable.”
Harris-Perry's apology tweets. Whatever happened to a face-to-face apology to go with the requisite public apology?
Breitbart is much less forgiving MSNBC Panelist Obeidallah Offers Self-Serving Apology to Romney Family    "While most of the Daily Beast piece comes off as Obeidallah using the controversy as a way to up his profile and pose as a defiant martyr against "wing nuts" (Breitbart News is mentioned) -- eventually, after 12 paragraphs of self-serving sanctimony, he writes:"....

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