Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Bowe Bergdahl, Just Deserts

Ann Coulter

... "Keeping to the spirit of Death Penalty Month, let's review the execution of Private Eddie Slovick. Slovik's offense: desertion in wartime. (See the tie-in?)"
..."Slovik was like Bradley Manning minus the lipstick and eyeliner. "
Coulter then turns to Bergdahl. 
... "Three days before he walked off his base, Bergdahl emailed his parents:
-- "I am ashamed to be an american."

-- "The US army is the biggest joke ... It is the army of liars, backstabbers, fools and bullies."

-- "These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid."

-- "The horror that is america is disgusting."

"These emails were given to the author of a 2012 Rolling Stone article on the case by Bergdahl's own parents.

"The overwrought soldier's father, Bob, emailed back: "OBEY YOUR CONSCIENCE!" And then, according to the Rolling Stone profile reporting these emails -- as well as the Army report on the incident -- Bergdahl "decided to walk away."

"Bergdahl's unit commander, Evan Buetow, told CNN's Jake Tapper that intercepted Taliban "chatter" soon revealed that Bergdahl was looking for a member of the Taliban who spoke English. (Other than his father.)" ...

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