Saturday, June 7, 2014

Some news in brief

KhairkhwaThree years ago, Obama went to court to keep a Taliban leader at Gitmo. Now he's out.  ... "Before he was released, the Obama administration argued that Khairkhwa's long experience as a jihadist leader required his continued detention by the U.S. government. Now that Obama has chosen to transfer him to Qatar the administration would have the public believe that he and the other freed Taliban leaders do not constitute a threat to the United States." ...Stephen Hayes

Obama criticized for chewing gum during D-Day ceremony   "A minor Twitter explosion occurred yesterday during the ceremony commemorating the D-Day landings 70 years ago. TheTV camera caught the president of the United States standing, looking bored, while chewing gum."
Obama chewed gum at a D-Day ceremony, and French Twitter is irate
At least he chews his gum with his mouth closed.

NYT: Bergdahl swap has Democrats worried about WH incompetence   ... "Over the last several months, the American public has had a hard and clear look at the executive talent inside the White House, and has begun to despair for real leadership and competence.
"When leadership fails, people stop following. It appears in the sixth year of the Barack Obama presidency, that moment has arrived. …" ...

Study: Obama's EPA Rules Will Disproportionately Hurt the Poor   "A new study finds that the harsh new carbon emissions rules President Obama's Environmental Protection Agency released this month will hurt the middle class far more than the rich. However, while the new rules will cause the middle class to take a hit, America's poorest will be hit hardest of all."

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