Thursday, June 12, 2014

Will America Ever Be Forgiven For Slavery?

Question, please:  If we today are guilty of the slave trade of two centuries ago, and today's African-Americans deserve reparations for that, then aren't today's Democrats guilty of the Ku Klux Klan's violence? The Tunnel Dweller

Patricia L. Dickson ... "I have listened to the counter arguments presented by my fellow black Americans as to which slave owners where the worst (although there is no way to prove any of it) and I have come to this conclusion. In the words of Hillary Rodham Clinton, “what difference, at this point, does it make?” Does it not matter that an estimated 700,000 lives were lost fighting the Civil War to end slavery? What can Liberals and race baiters hope to gain by constantly throwing slavery in the midst of every discussion?  Finally, if a Holy God can forgive sinful man for his past sins, how is it that sinful man can never forgive other sinful men for past sins?  Will America every be forgiven for its role in slavery?  Patricia's corner

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