Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How Much Would A Big Mac Cost If McDonald's Workers Were Paid $15 Per Hour?

Forbes   ... "(Update, 2: Forbes contributor Tim Worstall argues that the answer to the question is simple: The cost of a Big Mac–at least to consumers–probably wouldn’t go up at all. Why? In order to remain competitive with rivals on price, the company, as economist Adam Ozimek pointed out earlier this week, would probably find a way to keep overall labor costs in check, most likely by reducing the number of workers and introducing more automation–think ATMs in the banking industry.)" ... (typo automatically corrected in the above. TD)
Dr. Bittlingmayer described discussions on fast food wages as a symptom of a larger problem: the U.S. school system. “Low wages for adults are a sign that something didn’t go right in terms of education and work experience,” he said. “We’re not addressing the cause.”

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