Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Commentaries on this 2014 election

Obama: 'Don't think we're not keeping score, brother'   "... However, Barack Obama refused to change tack after losses in 2010 and he shows no inclination to do so now....  Why Republicans were a "do-nothing" Congress:
Senate Majority leader Harry Reid was Obama’s other major enforcer -- as Reid used his dictatorial control of the Senate to control what legislation came up for a vote and what amendments would be allowed to be offered by other Senators. The result was total deadlock, as the Republican House passed law after law -- challenges to Obamacare, to Obama’s legislation, to Obama’s overreach, to Obama’s trampling of the Constitution, only to see them die-smothered- at the hands of Harry Reid.
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

 Tillis victory called in North Carolina. Looks wavy, eh?

Michael Barone: How the Wave Happened ... "The Tsunami of events and Democratic failure have washed the Republicans into office. Now they have to clean up the mess."

Midterm elections results: Why Republicans crushed Democrats   "The Democrats had no compelling message to counter the Republicans' anti-Obama outcry. And the Democrats' vaunted turnout operation fizzled."  (Video)

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Wendy Davis Was The Face Of ‘War On Women’ Politics. How’d That Go?   ... "Wendy Davis lost. We’re waiting to hear the final details, but it looks like she lost big. A media less invested in carrying War on Women water might have led fewer cheers for Davis and the country’s largest abortion provider Planned Parenthood and more thoughtful coverage about the issues of concern to actual Texas voters, never as pleased with late-term abortion rights as the people inhabiting American newsrooms."
Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy

 Exit polls: Don't care for Obamacare  ..." Forty-seven percent of those who cast ballots in the midterms said the 2010 health care law, which opened for enrollment a year ago, went too far. On the other hand, 26 percent said the law didn’t go far enough, CNN exit polls reported." ...

"War on Women Sally" Kohn said:  ‘Obama was compromising plenty before last night. It’s time for Republicans to join him and govern!’
 Hawk(es) ن @HawkORHawkes
@sallykohn @JammieWF OK, so when GOP loses Congress, it's a mandate for change, but when they win, they have to compromise. Got it.

PerezOfficial.jpgMichelle Malkin: Is GOP Ready for Obama's Attorney General Fight?  "The Congressional Hispanic Caucus sent Obama a demand letter last week promoting Labor Secretary Tom Perez (right) as Eric Holder's replacement. Mother Jones ran with "Why Picking Tom Perez for Attorney General Would Be a Smart Move for Obama."
 "This looks to be the new Senate Republicans' first test of spinal fortitude. Will they fight for equal justice under the law or crumble under pressure from ethnic special interests? Will they reject the open-borders lobby or cave to race-card politics as usual? After an entire election cycle of GOP promises to buck Obama, will Senate Republican newbies deliver the goods or capitulate to craven political correctness?" ... 

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