Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hillary and the other guys debate tonight


Will Sanders Go Negative on Clinton?
How Will Clinton Respond?
Will There Be Fireworks from Martin O’Malley and the Other Second-Tier Candidates?
E-mails? What E-mails?
. . . "And looming over all is the specter of a possible Joe Biden campaign, which would fundamentally transform the race in ways no one can accurately predict."
All the above discussed in this NRO article

 Why Hillary Can’t Lose the Debate . . . "But the precipitous decline in her fortunes and the rise of Sanders puts her in a position where any slip-up on her part is going to be magnified into a major disaster. Similarly, the expectations for her competitors are so low that if any one of them stand out and give a particularly strong performance when compared to Clinton, it will be viewed as a fatal sign of weakness just at the moment when that is the last thing she needs."

CNN to Help Democrats Avoid Actual Debate  . . . "In other words, CNN will make the Republicans wrestle in the mud with the narcissist Donald Trump while helping Democrats look like “serious people.” After all, that motley crew will need all the help they can get."

Helping CNN for Tuesday’s Democratic Candidate Debate

. . . "I think we should help out CNN and come up with a few questions of our own for the candidates, since they’re probably not going to attack each other in any meaningful way. (I’ll take Chris Cillizza’s word for it.) With Donald Trump not in attendance, this could be a monumental snore. (No wonder they cut an hour.)  Someone has to come to the aid of  the network with some interesting questions.
"Here are some possibilities.  Feel free to add others." Below are brief excerpts:

“Governor O’Malley, you apologized for saying ‘All lives matter.’  Are you an abject coward or just an idiot?”
“For the group, the Republicans have two Latino candidates, one black and one woman.  Other than one woman, the Democrats have four  older white males with one yet more elderly white male waiting in the wings.  Please explain the lack of diversity in your party or is  ’white skin privilege’ just a bunch of baloney?”
“Mr. Chafee, do I know you?  You look vaguely familiar.  You’re not my old insurance broker, are you?”

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