Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Clinton character and competence up for discussion now

Michael Ramirez Cartoon
Hillary's Email: Low-Skilled Hackers Could Get In  "Hillary Clinton wants to be president, but the White House would be a risky place to put her. She should be nowhere near government secrets, given her unserious attitude about keeping them under cover.

"When Clinton was secretary of state, she had the option of using a secure government email account. Instead, she opted for a personal account handled by a private server — one, the AP says, that was vulnerable to "low-skilled intruders."

"This much-discussed email setup, the AP reported Tuesday, "appeared to allow users to connect openly over the Internet to control it remotely."

Email Scandal: A Cancer On Clinton Candidacy…

How to Beat Hillary Clinton

Obama's playbook on how to beat Hillary Clinton . . . " How did the Obama team turn it around? The conventional wisdom is that he inspired voters with an uplifting message and out-organized Clinton in Iowa and elsewhere. And while it’s true that Obama had a superior organization and an optimistic message, the real beginning of the end for Hillary Clinton was when Obama attacked her greatest vulnerability: her character." . . .

"Hillary learned a lot of lessons from the 2007-2008 battle with Obama. In fact, one of the first decisions she made this time around was to hire Joel Benenson, the pollster who helped write the memo on how to beat her."

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